Custom Styles

Release Notes

Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.135 - 11/14/2018

Core HR - Improvement - Job openings can be created and updated only for active organizational units.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The name for the Use Time Period timesheet setting has been improved. Field description added.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The description of the Timesheets Approval Workflow setting has been corrected.

Learning - Issue fix - If the development activity status is changed through the Assignment Details, the Launch Quiz button is displayed without issues.

Learning - Issue fix - The employees cannot join the training events with all the seats booked.

Learning - Improvement - The column format of the resulting csv file with the users exported for the LinkedIn Integration has been changed. The format of the group column header is group/ instead of group:

Learning - Improvement - The Send Request and Participate buttons are no longer available for the completed events in the Training Schedule.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The public holidays for terminated employees are displayed correctly in the Timesheet Calendar and weekly timesheet views.

Recruiting - Improvement - When generating the applicant letters, the State field can be used as a replaceable marker.

Learning - Issue fix - The mandatory trainings are correctly displayed in the employee development plan.

Core HR - Improvement - The export to pdf option is available for the job profile.

Core HR - Issue fix - The Change Job option works without issues.

Learning - Issue fix - The Launch Quiz button is not available for the cancelled development activities.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - When the approved absence is cancelled, the corresponding Outlook appointment is deleted.

Core HR - Improvement - The users can attach documents to the approval requests of the Content Approval type.

Performance - Improvement - The Competency Score Calculation and Weighted Groups settings are taken into account by the Employee Competency Report if Performance Review Round is selected in the Report Type filter.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.134 - 11/02/2018

Core HR - Issue fix - The employee information can be edited without issues with the system locale set to a European country.

Mobile Version - Issue fix - In mobile version, the employee photo is uploaded correctly.

Report Builder - Issue fix - The reports created through the Report Builder work with filters of the Date type.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The employee absence allowance can be manually adjusted.

Candidate Self Service - Improvement - When the candidates accept or reject the job offers through Candidate Self Service, the notification can be sent to HR.

Other - Issue fix - The excessive menu bar doesn't display in the Permissions Editor.

Core HR - Issue fix - The employee photo scaling is proportional with width and hei3уght.

Mobile Version - Improvement - Lanteria HR mobile opens with the home page instead of the employee information.

Learning - Improvement - The required learning materials that haven't been completed by the employee won't be displayed as missing after the material expires.

Learning - Issue fix - The development activity required score is correctly migrated to SQL.

Learning - Issue fix - The external development activities without the external category are displayed in the External Training Report opened in the export mode.

Learning - Improvement - The Automatically Assign Required Training Activities job will create training requests for the learning materials with the Request Required and Event Required check boxes selected. If none of these check boxes are selected, development activity will be created.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.133 - 10/22/2018

Recruiting - Issue fix - The users with the Recruiting Manager role can view the job openings according to their permissions.

Recruiting - Issue fix - The Interview Stage lookup is available in the Schedule Interviews form.

Recruiting - Issue fix - When changing the applicant status through the Batch Actions menu, the statuses are updated correctly.

Learning - New functionality - Now the users can set up time limits for completing the quiz.

Performance - Issue fix - When the Office 365 authentication is enabled, the performance review forms can be submitted without issues.

Recruiting - Issue fix - With the DocuSign integration enabled, the system can send notifications to the interested employees after the candidate signs the document.

Security - Improvement - The system, including Candidate Self-Service, has been completely protected from the cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The filters are available in the Employee Absence Summary page when the page is minimized.

Other - Improvement - After the SQL Export Job is run successfully, the message of the Information type will be displayed in the Event Viewer.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The absence registration form cancellation and closing works correctly.

Learning - Improvement - Paging has been enabled for the Training Feedback Report.

Report Builder - Improvement - The calculated fields can be used as filters in the reports created by means of the Report Builder.

Recruiting - Issue fix - The users with the Manager role can create the job openings.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The public holidays are displayed correctly in the terminated employees' timesheet calendar.

Core HR - Issue fix - The Headcount Turnover Report opens without issues.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.132 - 09/29/2018

Learning - Issue fix - The Add Course form title is displayed correctly, without the extra tags.
Recruiting - Improvement - If the user uploads an incorrect document for signing, the corresponding message is displayed in the Candidate Documents form. The error won't be duplicated in the event viewer.
Integration - Improvement - The DocuSign Synchronization Job is disabled by default.
Learning - Issue fix - The learning materials with special symbols in the material name can be created without issues.
Performance - Improvement - A new Competency Report is now available for checking the employee latest competency assessment or competency assessments for the selected period/selected performance review. The report is working in both SQL and SharePoint modes.
Other - Issue fix - The SQL Data Export Job copies the SharePoint list structure and data to the SQL tables without issues.
Performance - Improvement - If the Calculate Bonus check box is selected for the performance review round, during the performance review, the calculated bonus amount will be displayed next to each employee objective according to the objective contribution to the total bonus amount.
Recruiting - Improvement - The Applicant Tracking page loads faster.
Learning - Issue fix - The Schedule Training button is not available for the expired learning materials.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - Approved absence requests can be set up to be registered in the Outlook calendar as appointments.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The absence allowance for the employees with the the absence plan rules based on the Length of Service is generated correctly.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.131 - 09/18/2018

Core HR - Issue Fix - After deleting item from a child view on the employee card (e.g. Emergency Contacts, Education, etc.), the system redirected to the employee card.
Core HR - Improvement - Now the termination form will be locked until all data is saved to prevent conflicts.
Time & Attendance - Issue Fix - A typo in the captions of the Vacation Statistics and My Team Absence Statistics reports were fixed.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Now the add/edit absence form will be locked until all data is saved to prevent extra clicking and conflicts while saving.
Compensation - Issue Fix - Employees with empty salary details will not be included into a salary review round.
Recruiting - New Functionality - A new timer job for synchronization with DocuSign was added.
The job will get all documents from DocuSign with changed status, update sign status in the system and replace the documents with signed ones.
Recruiting - Improvement - Now DocuSign documents, declined by a candidate, can be updated and sent for signing again. The resent document will get a new envelope ID and will available for signing on the Candidate Self Service page under My Documents.
Performance - Improvement - A new label Inactive was added to the corresponding competencies on the Job Description page.
Performance - Improvement - Now the letter subject of the performance review step can contain the same placeholders as the body.
Learning - Improvement - Paging was added to the learning catalog. The page will display 100 learning materials per page.
Learning - Issue Fix - The Training Event Details print from now functions properly in various browsers. 
Learning - Improvement - Now the system displays the  amount of created and completed development activities when learning courses results from LinkedIn Learning are uploaded.
Learning - Improvement - Now if development activities are created via curriculum assignment, the development activities order will correspond to the courses order in the corresponding curriculum.
Learning - New Functionality - Integration with SCORM Engine was implemented.
Now the SCORM provider can be selected in the Learning module settings. Available options are Share Point Learning Kit, SCORM Engine and SCORM Cloud.
Access can be configured in SCORM Settings and the system will work with e-learning courses from SCORM Engine.
Learning - Improvement - Now after running an E-Learning material, the system does not open any extra pages. Only the page with run E-Learning course is opened.
Learning - Issue Fix - The issue with uploading an E-Learning course into the learning catalog was fixed. Now if the SCORM provider is SharePoint Learning Kit, new courses will be added without any errors.
Learning - Issue Fix - The ability to review a quiz after completion of development activity was fixed. Now the Review Quiz button is available on completed development activities in the employee development plan.
Learning - Issue Fix - Now development activity value will be stored correctly in both storage modes (SharePoint and SQL) when uploading employee certificates. 
Other - Improvement - The Training Feedback label was corrected in Training settings in the Learning module.
Other - Improvement - The layout was fixed in SCORM settings in the Learning module.
Other - Improvement - The Run Now button was hidden for disabled timer jobs. 
Other - Improvement - The Password field value is hidden in the DocuSign integration settings.
Other - Improvement - Processing of entities (interview forms, schedule interview and job positions) was implemented via run with elevated privileges (from the system account).


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.130 - 09/04/2018

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The following issues were fixed in both modes (regular and dynamic) :

  • The system did not display the vacation request by special rule on the My Absences page in the Booked pane >> As a Pending request. The system did not display the vacation request by special rule in the My Team Absence Statistic.
  • The system did not display the vacation request by special rule in Vacation Statistic.

Performance - Issue fix - The Show All and Show Active filters on the My Goals page did not work properly..

Performance - Issue fix - An error was fixed on the Performance review page in case there was no review for an Employee in the system.

Performance - Issue fix - Date Filter was synchronized with the employee picker on the Performance Review Round page.

Learning - Issue fix - A layout-related issue on the Cancel Assignment form was fixed.

Learning - Issue fix - Training Event Appointment for Training Manager was fixed.

Learning - Issue fix - A typo was corrected in the "Practicum Schedule" section title.

Learning - Improvement - The custom roles (Training Manager / Local Training Manager) are now available on the ribbon on the employee card.

Integration - New functionality - DocuSign Integration was implemented. This functionality was added to the Candidate Documents page that can be opened from the candidate card. A candidate can see and sign documents via candidate self-service. As a result, the document status is updated in Candidate Documents on the candidate card and the document is signed.

Core HR - Issue fix - Job Assignment Form: the "Job Role" picker contained active job roles only.

Core HR - New functionality - A new Dashboard System Usage was added. The following statistics are displayed on this new dashboard: system usage by module system usage by role top users modules usage by role top used pages by role

Compensation - Improvement - A new column Recommended Annual Base Salary was added to Salary Review Round Details. Recommended value can be copied to the Requested Annual Base Salary column by Department Manager or HR.

Candidate Self Service - Issue fix - The date was displayed in the format of the selected locale.

Other - Improvement - The Notification Tasks event receiver was changed. Currently, the system starts the workflow when an item appears in the notification tasks list.

Other - Improvement - Processing of entities (360 Assessments, 360 Forms, and Employee Competency) was implemented via run with elevated privileges (from the system account).

Other - Improvement - The following Improvements to the system jobs were made:

  1. The system jobs now display the job state (Enabled/Disabled).
  2.  The following jobs are disabled by default:
  • Azure Ad integration
  • Azure Ad Photo integration
  • Linked-In Learning Integration
  • Adp integration
  • AD Integration
  • User profiles integration
  • SQL Data Export

Other - A new Functionality - A new job Export data to SQL was added. This job copies the structure and data of the SharePoint lists to SQL tables. By default, this job is disabled.

Other - Issue fix - The issue with a clean Installation: the issue introduced in the update to version 4.3.15, related to the Code field, was fixed.

Other, Report Builder - Issue fix - A Report Export issue with export to .xlsx was fixed.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.129 - 08/16/2018

Performance - Issue fix - The outdated Autosave KPI History setting has been removed.
Core HR - Issue fix - The Vacant/Exceed positions in the Structure Report is the same as Vacant Positions in the Company Overview dashboard.
Performance - Issue fix - The Competency Report can be opened in the Export mode without issues.
Learning - Issue fix - The learning material rating is displayed correctly for the training events.
Learning - Improvement - When importing the LinkedIn courses, new development activities will be created in the following cases:
An employee doesn't have any development activity for a learning material
An employee has development activity for a learning material and the last activity status is Completed or Expired, but percent of completion in the result uploading file is not 100%.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - When specifying the acting person during the absence update (in the form that opens after clicking Request Change for the absence), the acting person approval process is initiated correctly.
Performance - Issue fix - When starting the 360 review round for more than 84 reviewers, the review forms are generated without issues.
Performance - Issue fix - The assessors for the 360 review are selected randomly for the Auto Select Assessors option.
Performance - Issue fix - When the managers, subordinates and peers are selected for the 360 review, the inactive employees are not included.
Core HR - Issue fix - The value in the FTE - Main Assignments field of the Company Figures dashboard is the same with Actual FTE in the Structure Report. The assignments in the inactive org units are not included into the calculations.
Performance - Improvement - Under Performance > Performance Reviews, a new Performance Reviews tab has been added. Use it to view all the performance reviews meeting the selected criteria (filter by dates, review type or employee).


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.128 - 08/09/2018

Other - Issue fix - The en-GB resource file is applied correctly now.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - When mapping the sick leave absence type to the timesheets, the mapping title can be either Sickness or Sick Leave (case sensitive).
Learning - Improvement - In the Competency Development Plan, the Assign Learning Material option has been renamed to Assign Course. 
Compensation - Issue fix - The Salary Breakdown dashboard displays correct data by org unit in case of big amounts of data. 
Core HR - Issue fix - When changing the employee job, the org unit picker displays data correctly.
Learning - Improvement - The type of license for the LinkedIn Learning integration can be specified in the Learning settings.
Core HR - Issue fix - Relevant styles are applied in the Positions Chart and Organizational Chart.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.127 - 08/03/2018

Learning - Issue fix - The appointment cancellation letter is sent to the internal trainer without issues when the trainer is changed or removed.
Performance - Improvement - Reviews for the 360 assessment are generated in the long operation mode.
Core HR - Issue fix - Termination records for the terminated employees are correctly generated in the employment history. 
Core HR - Issue fix - The employees with the Manager role can view their job contracts when the contracts are set up to be unaccessible for the managers.
Performance - Improvement - The employee information in the performance review form is displayed according to the Quick Employee Info setting under Settings and Configuration > Settings > Employee Database > Advanced.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.126 - 07/26/2018

Core HR, Learning - New functionality - New setting Number of Future Training Budget Periods was added. The new setting allows allocating training budgets for future periods.
Candidate Self-Service - Improvement - The job offers in the status Pending will not be displayed in the candidate self-service.
Learning - Issue fix - Time shifting in the multi-day training schedule works without issues.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The Calculated Duration is displayed correctly for the absences in the Safari browser.
Learning - Improvement - The appointment cancellation letter will be sent to the internal trainer when the trainer is changed or removed.
Permissions - Improvement - The button text was changed for the ES HR Admin group in the Training Feedback form.
Learning - Issue fix - The Send Request button is displayed or hidden in the Event Details and Learning Material Details forms depending on the current learning material assignment status.
Performance - Improvement - The competencies in the Competency Assessment Analysis report are sorted descending by the competency level, and each competency level is ordered ascending by the employee title.
Learning - Issue fix - Performance issue was fixed within the learning group assignment. Development activities are created without issues.
Recruiting - Issue fix - The users with the Manager role will be able to see only the interviews related to their job openings and interviews where they are interviewers.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.125 - 07/19/2018

Learning - New functionality - Lanteria HR can be integrated with LinkedIn Learning. The integration job creates learning materials based on the LinkedIn courses. The users from Lanteria HR can be uploaded to LinkedIn Learning through the .csv file. The development activities will be autocompleted in Lanteria HR based on the LinkedIn course results.
Learning - New functionality - The field code has been added to the Learning Material Categories list. A new category LinkedIn Learning with code added to master content.
Core HR - Improvement - Table sorting and filtering has been enabled for the following pages: the Employee Disciplinary Actions, Employee Education and Off Boarding Details. 
Performance - Issue fix - Sorting by column in Performance Review Rounds and Performance Reviews works without issues.
Learning - Issue fix - When assigning a learning material with the status Completed and the Collect Feedback on Completion check box selected, the feedback forms are generated correctly.
Performance - Issue fix - The Goal Map, Goals Dashboard and Employee Objectives Report work without issues with big amounts of data.
Learning - Improvement - After clicking View All in the Personal Development Plan, the development activities with the status Not Started are displayed on the top of the page.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.124 - 07/12/2018

Recruiting - Improvement - When creating a job opening or a candidate, you can specify several locations. Locations specified by candidate through Candidate Self-Service are copied to the candidate card created in Lanteria HR.
Core HR - Improvement - When creating a job description request, the users can specify the org unit.
Core HR - Issue fix - When filling in form for the HR process action of the Fill Form type, the data entered into the field of the picker type is saved without issues. 
Core HR - Improvement - Now table on pages with the Child Table View web part have correct structure and this allows using the JQuery DataTable for this table.
Performnace - Issue fix - When the user deletes an item in the Custom List section of the performance review form, the user is redirected to the review form after the item is deleted.
Core HR - Issue fix - The employee photos can be uploaded without issues.
Learning - Improvement - The status of the training request is not included into the training request Comments field.
Learning - Issue fix - When opening a training event without learning material from the Training Schedule, the empty sections (Course Objectives, Documents) are hidden.
Recruiting - Improvement - The candidate documents will open in a new tab (like employee documents).
Learning - Issue fix - Only the following roles can edit the final score: HR, Training Manager, Local HR.
Core HR - Improvement - Now an employee can be rehired and then terminated. It works for immediate or future assignments.
Learning - Improvement - When the training event details are edited, the Appointment change notification will be sent only if the following is changed:
- Start dade
- End date 
- Room
- Schedule (i.e. time within one day)


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.123 - 07/03/2018

Compensation - Improvement - The Compensation dashboard works with the trillion amounts.
Learning - Improvement - The failed development activities are displayed as missing in the the Required Training Report.
Learning - Improvement - When uploading certificates for the employees, the certificate types are sorted alphabetically.
Learning - Issue fix - The Training Request Approval Action setting can be set to Create Activity and the system saves the setting changes. 
Learning - Issue fix - The users can work with the rich text fields in the learning material Edit form without issues.
Learning - Issue fix - From the Training Schedule, the employee can be added to the waiting list of the fully booked training event.
Other - Issue fix - Column ordering by date works correctly with the custom user locales.
Core HR - Issue fix - If there are no process templates set up, error message will display in the form that opens after clicking Start HR Process and the Save button in this form will be hidden. 
Learning - Issue fix - After the certificate has been generated for the employee, the notification is sent out correctly.
Candidate Self Service - Improvement - Extended lookups can be set up for the Candidate Self Service Job Opening Details Page. 
Core HR, Recruiting - Improvement - If the Sharepoint preview mode is set up in the server web application general settings, the .pdf documents are opened in a separate window.
Learning - Improvement - The development activity Cancellation Reason field can be used in the notification tasks.
Performance - Issue fix - HR users can update the competency importance without issues.
Core HR - Improvement - Now table on pages with the Child Table View WebPart has correct structure and this allows to use the JQuery DataTable for this table.
Learning - Issue fix - The meeting room booking is working correctly when editing the training events with the earlier Exchange versions (2007/2010).
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - When registering absences, the employees can select acting person from a list of active employees.
Other - Improvement - The permissions setup has been modified to allow a more flexible management of the custom roles. To view the changes, click Settings > Settings and Configuration > System Settings. Under Menu Sections and Menu Items a new field Hide For Users has been added to hide parts of the menu for the users or user groups. Under Roles and Permissions > Permissions Editor a new field Denied HR Groups has been added to facilitate creating custom roles. Information about user groups has been added to the Access Denied page.
Core HR - Improvement - Document types can be set up to be mandatory by the employment type. 
Learning - Improvement - Internal trainers will receive the training event appointments similarly to the training participants. 
Core HR - Improvement - HR Helpdesk requests can be assigned to multiple responsible persons (any of them can process the request).
Recruiting - Issue fix - Interviews created with the past dates are correctly displayed in the interview calendar. 
Performance - Improvement - If the Competency Storage is set to SQL, the users can edit and delete the comments provided when assessing the competencies.  
Compensation - Issue fix - The employees with the empty employment date will not participate in the salary review. 
Other - Improvement - The child table view control displays time in addition to date if the field type is Date and Time.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.121 - 06/15/2018

Core HR - Issue fix - The job role filter is correctly displayed in the filtering section of the reports and other pages if it is defined in the Additional Employee Filters field under Core HR > Employee Database > Advanced.
Learning - Issue fix - When opening a training event that is not based on the learning material from the Training Schedule (Learning > Training Schedule), the training event form is displayed correctly. 
Learning - Improvement - The Training Requests report can handle big amounts of data.
Recruiting - Issue fix - When the candidate is automatically created in Lanteria HR based on the Candidate Self Service application, the full name is generated correctly and the candidate record is created without issues.
Core HR - Improvement - The Quick Employee Info description has been clarified.
Permissions - Issue fix - No role except HR can see the Site contents now.
Other - Issue fix - The document types with the "&" symbol in their names are handled correctly.
Performance - Improvement - The users can set up the competency total score (percent) to be calculated based on the required score. This can be achieved by selecting a corresponding option in the new Total Score Calculation Method field (Settings > Settings and Configuration > Performance, click Competencies > Advanced). 
Learning - Improvement - The following will apply to the expired learning materials:
Group assignment is not allowed from the Learning Catalog and learning material details pages.
Personal assignment and creating training requests are not allowed.
Assignment by the Mandatory Training Job is not executed.
Assignment by curriculum is not allowed.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.120 - 05/31/2018

Learning - Issue fix - The learning material version can be specified with the dot or comma delimiter.
Learning - Improvement - The course objectives and description, if available, will be displayed in the course profile. The course duration can be specified not only for the scoring type Hours and will be displayed in the course profile as well.
Performance - Improvement - The Goal Map layout has been improved. 
Learning - New functionality - The tasks (questions) of the matching and ordering types can be used in the quizzes.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.119 - 05/23/2018

Candidate Self Service - Improvement - The due date in the My Actions page of the Candidate Self Service is displayed without specific time.
Learning - Issue fix - The development activity cancellation reasons can be used for setting up the custom notifications.
Report Center - Issue fix - The paths to the reports are displayed correctly after adding the custom menu items.
Core HR - Improvement - Now the Positions Chart report displays the FTE value as the number of planned employees.
Other - Issue fix - Lanteria HR handles any date formats, irrespective of the local settings.
Learning - Improvement - The training date is now available from the Training Requests.
Learning - Improvement - Expiration date can be changed from the development activity Edit form.
Learning - Issue fix - The Expiring Certificates report and Pending Absence Requests report can be fully localized.
Core HR - Issue fix - The localized options for the Gender field of the employee card work correctly.
Other - Issue fix - The Development Activity Content Result Documents library is not duplicated after the solution redeployment.
Candidate Self Service - Improvement - Through the Candidate Self-Service, the users can view and submit the HR process actions of the following types: Upload Document, Fill Form or Task.
Learning - New functionality - The users can assign practicums to online courses and classroom trainings. and then manage, access, and grade the practicum submissions.
Learning - New functionality - Employees can upload different files types (Word, PDF, video, links and other) as a part of practicum assignment.  


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.118 - 05/15/2018

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - In the Timesheet Report, the employee records are displayed correctly when grouping by project or activity.
Candidate Self Service - Issue fix - The job opening start date is displayed in Candidate Self Service according to the start date in Lanteria HR.
Other - Improvement - Custom roles can be created based on the Local HR role. To achieve this, Local HR role will be assigned based on additional account if it exists. If an employee doesn't have an additional account, main account will be used.
Learning - Improvement - Template for the training feedback request mail can be defined under Settings and Configuration.
Recruiting - Issue fix - If any interview form template is set up to be used as default, it will be used when scheduling an interview without the template specified. If there is no default template and no template is selected when scheduling an interview, the simplified interview form will be used.
Core HR - Improvement - User interface texts have been improved (for the setting used to define which employee information is to be displayed under the name in the employee search pages and charts).
Performance - Issue fix - Under My Performance > My Goals, if the user clicks one of the tabs and selects to display only active goals, the filtered goals are displayed on the correct tab.
Recruiting - Issue fix - The Applicant Tracking page works with big numbers of applicants.
Compensation - Issue fix - The Salary Sheet page is displayed correctly if the user clicks View more than once.
Compensation - Issue fix - The column order in the export and default views of the Salary Sheet is the same.
Performance - Issue fix - The competency importance is set up through the Job Role Competence list.
Core HR - Improvement - The legal entities, locations, countries, cost centers and companies can be set inactive so that they are not shown in statistics in the dashboards.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.117 - 04/25/2018

Performance - Issue fix - If an appraiser is included in more than one group (for example, Managers and Peers), the status of the assessment is displayed correctly in the 360 Feedbacks page.
Other - Improvement - In the System Jobs page, the jobs are displayed with the job name only and without the unique identifier.
Performance - Improvement - The competencies in the Assessment 360 Result Report are displayed by groups and according to the competency name.
Core HR - Improvement - A new setting can be used to define which employee information is to be displayed under the name in the employee search pages and charts.
Other - Improvement - A group of settings for managing the integration options has been added. 
Other - Issue fix - The calendar for the date selection is displayed correctly even if the application is not hosted within the root site collection.
Core HR, Recruiting - Improvement - When an employee or candidate is automatically created/updated (by means of integration or Candidate Self-Service), the name is generated based on the full name template.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.116 - 04/18/2018

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Special rules allowance is calculated correctly now.
Time and Attendance - New functionality - Absences can be accrued based on the service date now (typically, the end date of the trial period). The users can specify service date for an employee, as well as set up the absence plan to start accruing absences from this date. When creating the absence allowance calculation rules and extra days rules, the users can choose Length of Service as the calculation type.
Other - Issue fix - Azure AD Photo Integration Job works without issues.
Core HR - Issue fix - When editing the HR process descriptions, the processes are saved correctly.
Core HR - Issue fix - The users can work with the Fill Form HR process actions.
Learning - Improvement - When searching the learning materials by competencies in the learning catalogue, only active competencies are displayed.
Learning - Improvement - Implementation of deleting the learning material documents has been optimized.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - In the Timesheet report, when viewing details for a specific date, the date format is displayed based on the user locale.
Recruiting - Issue fix - In the environments with configured Candidate Self-Service, the Local HR users can create job openings without issues.
Learning - Issue fix - The Add Group and Edit Group buttons of the Learning Group Management page are available for the Training Manager, Local TM, Local HR and custom role.
Learning - Improvement - Learning material description is displayed as rich text. 
Compensation - Improvement - When exporting the Salary Sheet report, there is no limit for the number of exported columns.
Core HR - Improvement - Employee documents and any custom document libraries will be available for the custom roles if the Local HR record is created for employees with such roles (Local HR role is not required).
Learning - Issue fix - The required prerequisites are taken into account for the Quiz learning materials.
Compensation - Improvement - Filtering by company is available for the Salary Breakdown dashboard.
Compensation - Improvement - The Salary Sheet filter labels related to the currency selections have been improved.
Other - Improvement - After updating the records in the Local HRs list, the permissions will be updated accordingly.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.115 - 04/04/2018

Recruiting - Issue fix - Candidate education and work history records are created correctly now, also when some date fields are optional and empty.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Absence allowance is calculated correctly with Absence Accrual Rules for Seniority/Age Range Transition set to 2 - Apply next rule for the entire accrual period.
Recruiting - Issue fix - If candidate that is deleted from Lanteria HR is applying for a vacancy, a candidate will be recreated in the candidate database.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Managers with more than 100 subordinates can generate the My Team Timesheet report without issues.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Dates in the Timesheet Report are displayed according to the date format settings.
Recruiting - Improvement - If any errors occur when processing the candidate through the Candidate Self-Service, HR Group receives correct notification with error explanation.
Learning - Improvement - In the Employee Training Budgets Report, if there are no active budgets for the selected date, the No results found message is displayed.
Learning - Improvement - If any employees are assigned more than one budget for the same period, notification will be sent to HR / Training Manager informing about the amounts allocated and rules that intersect.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Redundant menu doesn't display in the Adjust Allowance form while working in the Dynamic Absence mode.
Other - Issue fix - The prompt to scroll for more records, which is relevant for the vertical barcharts only, is not displayed for the Dashboard piecharts.
Learning - Issue fix - The Generate Certificate Job generates certificates without issues.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - When employees are registering absences, the date and time in the confirmation message are correct.
Core HR - New functionality - The users can define the maximum file size allowed for uploading. If the document being uploaded exceeds the maximum size, an error message will be displayed.
Learning - Improvement - Now it is possible to attach multiple e-learning materials (or links) to a particular course. The employees assigned to the course can download the attachments from the development plan.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.114 - 03/12/2018

Core HR - Improvement - HR can terminate employees with the status Inactive.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - When the user selects a future date in the Employee Absence Summary page, the number of carried over days is forecasted correctly.
Other - Issue fix - The web features are activated without issues if the menu items are to be created for the inactive menu sections. 
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The redundant menu has been removed from the Adjust Allowance form.
Other - Issue fix - If the number of horizontal barcharts in the dashboards is less than 7, the charts are displayed without the layout issues.
Performance - Issue fix - Formatting in the competency description (rich text) is displayed correctly when assessing the competencies.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - The employee timesheet records in the Timesheet Approval Management > Details are sorted by date.
Performance - Improvement - The View All Probation Reviews label has been added to the Resources\ES.resx file so that it can be properly localized.
Performance - Issue fix - If the performance review workflow includes responsible persons that cannot be identified by the system (for example, additional manager role is responsible for the step and the employee doesn't have any additional manager), the review form is assigned to HR and notification to the HR group is sent out.
Core HR - Improvement - The Number of Employees by Month chart of the Company Overview dashboard by default displays data for each month of the rolling year. 
Learning - New functionality - Training budgets can be allocated for the employees. When the employees are assigned to the trainings that have cost defined, this cost is deducted from the budget amount. The report on the allocated budgets and budget balance is available.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.113 - 03/14/2018

Learning - Issue fix - Custom fields can be added to the Training Schedule form.
Performance - Issue fix - When creating an ad-hoc review, the date selection calendar works without issues.
Core HR - Issue fix - The documents with special French symbols are downloaded with correct titles in Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Other - Issue fix - The number of bards displayed in the Kendo dashboard charts has been decreased to 10 to resolve the layout issues.
Core HR - Improvement - In the HR Processes page, the process title will be displayed instead of the process template name for the processed started manually (with the Autostart field set to None).
Core HR - Issue fix - When generating the employee documents, the default values for the Employee Documents library fields are inherited in the generated document properties.
Core HR - Improvement - The job description for each job position can be opened from the Positions Chart.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.112 - 03/05/2018

Other - Improvement - The employees that have been removed from the Office 360 group can be automatically terminated in Lanteria HR. 
Recruiting - Issue fix - Recruiting Manager can create job openings without issues.
Learning - Issue fix - When scheduling new trainings, appointments are sent according to the appointment template.
Recruiting - Improvement - The job opening optional and required documents are synchronized to Applicant Self-Service.
Compensation - Issue fix - All the Salary Sheet fields are now visible in the Export mode. 
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The booked absences are displayed correctly and special rules are properly applied while registering an absence that starts in one allowance period and end in another one.
Performance - Issue fix - In the Performance Scores by Org Unit chart of the Performance dashboard, only reviews with filled in summary rating are included into the calculation.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - Titles of items in the Reminder Notification Tasks for the Absnece Reminder by Reminder Date are formed as follows: <absence type>:<Employee Name> (<start>-<end>).
Core HR - Improvement - In the HR Process Actions, the information repeated for each step (process name and employee/starter name) has been removed.
Report Builder - Issue fix - The Report Builder reports now work correctly for the Training Manager, Recruiting Manager and Performance Manager.
Other - Improvement - An information message has been added to the Kendo charts to inform the end-user that horizontal barcharts are scrollable and in case the chart was built based on more than 12 entities, the user will have to drag the chart in order to view the hidden records.
Learning - Improvement - The users can select the Skip Employees with Completed Activities check box if, when assigning the current curriculum, a new development activity must not be created for a curriculum course in case an employee already has a completed (and not expired) development activity for the same version of this course.
Learning - New functionality - New functionality for training events allows to define training schedule (days when it is active and start/end time). Employees will receive multiple appointments for each day. Appointments will be updated/deleted upon changes in the training event details. Old training events (already created in the system) will work as before, without training schedule.
Learning - New functionality - When integration with Microsoft Exchange is set up, Exchange appointments will be created/deleted and meeting rooms booked upon training event creation/modification/deletion.
Learning - Improvement - Select the Consider Additional Job Assignments check box in the Learning settings for the employees to be included into the learning groups by both main and additional job assignments.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The pending approval timesheets for the weeks that start in one month and end in another month are displayed correctly in the Timesheet Approval Management page.
Learning - Improvement - It is possible to schedule a classroom training that is not based on the learning material.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.111 - 02/14/2018

Time and Attendance - Improvement - In the dynamic absences mode, HR can set up the vacation planning restrictions for limiting the dates when the employees can book vacation.
Core HR - Improvement - For the sake of GDPR compliance, the Pending Termination status will not be displayed to the users with the Employee role.
Other - Issue fix - While activating feature under the System Account, the obsolete lists are removed.
Recruiting - Issue fix - In Candidte Self-Service, for the letters received by the candidates, the date and time the letter was sent is displayed.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Timesheet security issue has been resolved.
Recruiting - Issue fix - In Candidte Self-Service, the interview status is displayed as Completed only if it is in the past.
Recruiting - Issue fix - In Candidte Self-Service, all the fields for the job opening details are displayed according to the configuration file.
Core HR - Improvement - The current assignment can be edited from the Employment History.
Other - Issue fix - After activating the Lanteria.WebFeature, no issues with the LocalHR.ItemDeleting handler occur.
Core HR - Improvement - The Other change reason has been added. 
Other - Issue fix - A top menu Item is not displayed recursively in the dashboards frame while loading charts.
Performance - Issue fix - After the employee's job role changed, the role is updated in the performance review round.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.110 - 01/30/2018

Core HR - Improvement - To avoid issues with big amounts of data, the Dashboard charts with horizontal bars display 12 bars and others become available upon scrolling.
Other - Improvement - The es2013custom.js and es2013custom.css files were removed from solution and added to the master content.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - In the dynamic absences mode, if the Hide sickness details from manager check box is cleared, the managers can see the absence types if the Absence Schedule.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - In the Out of Office Calendar, the employee names are separated with the semicolon.
Learning - New functionality - When cancelling a development activity, an employee can specify the cancellation reason. Cancellation reasons the employees can choose from are set up under Settings > Settings and Configuration > Learning, Learning Catalog, the Advanced tab.
Other - Improvement - The redundant LHR - Carried Overs job has been removed.
Time and Attendance - New functionality - HR can set up vacation planning restrictions - periods when employees cannot book vacation. This can be done under Time & Attendance > Absence Lists > Vacation Restrictions.
Learning - Improvement - In training event appointment template, following placeholders can be used: {DevelopmentActivityId} {SiteURL}


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Release Notes