Learning - Issue Fix - Resolved an issue with the Mandatory Training report which was incorrectly displaying missing trainings in some cases.
Learning - Issue Fix - Resolved an issue causing errors during synchronisation between Go1 and Lanteria HR, where some materials were not added correctly.
Core HR - Improvement - Salary Review Dashboard (salary review round details) and Employee Salary Reviews reports can be exported to Excel, the layout was slightly improved.
Time and Attendance - Issue Fix - Fixed issue with My Absences page layout in mobile version when using Dynamic Absence mode.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - Changed label style from grey to blue for Absence Subtypes for better visibility.
Core HR - Improvement - We've enhanced the Headcount Turnover Report by adding the option to filter data using a rolling 12-month period.
Performance - Improvement - Aligned competency ordering across all forms for consistency, handle correct ordering if there is a number at the beginning of the competency title (e.g. 1. Competency; 2. Competency ... 10. Competency).
Recruiting - Improvement - Integration with SEEK has been improved and aligned with the requirements. Added ability to preview the job opening to see how it will be designed in SEEK after publication.
Recruiting - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue with sending candidate document via Acrobat Sign caused an error.
Recruiting - Issue Fix - Resolved an issue in the Job Openings functionality where marking the 'Required Skills' field as mandatory caused the Job Opening form to malfunction.
Core HR - Issue Fix - Resolved an issue where employees could view unrelated task history under My Task History.
Core HR - Issue Fix - Removed deprecated and unused Icon URL field from Approval Process Settings.
Core HR, Recruiting - Vulnerability Fix - Fixed potential vulnerability in Employee and Candidate Documents - Download selected as ZIP.
Core HR - Vulnerability Fix - Fixed potential vulnerability in Employee Photo URL field.
Core HR - Vulnerability Fix - Updated the Upload Photo page to enforce stricter file type validation for the Employee Photos library.
Core HR - Vulnerability Fix - access to some standard SharePoint endpoints has been restricted for anonymous users and is now permitted only for authenticated users, enhancing overall site security.
Learning - Issue Fix - Resolved an issue with the Assign Mandatory Training job:
The system will now select the most recent development activity if an employee has multiple development activities for the same learning material.
Core HR, Compensation - Improvement - Implemented distribution of the Job Grades by Location:
Recruiting and Learning - Improvement - Updated the default behavior for interview and training event scheduling:
Learning - Improvement - The "Assign Course" link at Competency Development Plan will open learning catalog filtered using the competency of the related development need.
Learning - Improvement - Added ability to preview the E-Learning course for HRs, Training Managers and Local Training managers (available only when using SCORM Engine as SCORM provider).
Learning - Improvement - Added Search box to Personal Development Plan which will search development activities by Title.
Core HR - Improvement - Expanded HR Process Initiation:
Core HR - Improvement - HR Process Actions
Performance - Improvement - Performance Review Forms related to the Probation Reviews will be titled as Probationary Review.
Performance - Improvement - Select Performance Rating will be renamed to Performance Rating and made read-only if current responsible is employee and Assign Summary Rating is turned on for current step.
Core HR - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue where the modal dialog window did not resize properly after elements were added or removed.
Core HR - Issue Fix - Corrected the filtering of the Starters drop-down and HR processes started for Starters in Manager and Local HR roles
Core HR - Issue Fix - Removed the ability for Manager role to select HR Processes (needed for “Delete selected HR PRocesses“ but Manager role does not have permissions to delete HR Processes).
Integrations - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Job Opening Integration job which failed to process job opening published to SEEK that had to be prolonged after 30 days. Fixed an issue that caused inability to generate SEEK url when using thee Copy Job Opening function.
Integrations - Improvement - The SEEK integration was updated to correspond to the latest SEEK API changes:
· Added ability to select monthly salary range and currency of the range.
· A new version of AdType is used now.
Learning - Improvement - It is now possible to set up automatic completion of development activity after uploading a certificate.
Recruiting - Improvement - The candidate search interface has been improved:
· Exporting options added
· Search by all or any selected skill
· Clear (reset) filter
· Type in option for skills
· Search in the results pane
Learning - Improvement - In Personal Development Plan, if the Group by Development Need check box is selected, for development needs that have competency assigned, the Assign from Catalog button will display. Click it to open learning catalog filtered using the competency of related development need.
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the performance review form displaying empty sections to the user when Display Review Form Sections was set to One By One and any sections were hidden from the user.
Compensation - Issue fix - The outdated AutoCalculate Personal Allowance setting has been removed.
Core HR - Improvement - All settings related to HR Help Desk were moved to a separate section. A new setting was added enabling to hide the Due Date field from employee when creating a new HR HelpDesk request. Also, a new setting was added to fill the Due Date automatically based on priority.
Core HR - Improvement - The following action item types were added to My Task History:
· Probation reviews
· Approval requests
· Employee Feedback
· 360 feedback
· Signed documents
Recruiting - Improvement - The interviewers in the employee role can now view the Interview Schedule with interviews they participate in, as well as fill in the interview forms for these interviews.
Performance - Improvement - The word “score“ was renamed to “rating“ in the setting field names and descriptions to comply with transformation of summary score into performance rating on the performance review form.
Learning - Improvement - To avoid the email spoofing, the training event and interview appointments will be sent from the email address specified in the application Outgoing Email settings.
Other - Improvement - New workflow custom actions have been added to create, save and send PDF documents which could be used in SharePoint Designer workflows.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - When employee has multiple acting persons, all of them will be added to the approvers for incoming approval requests.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - Fixed an issue with employees being able to book the carried over days to be used after the carried over expiration.
Core HR - Improvement - The deleted tasks will be displayed on the My Task History page and marked as Deleted in case the Show Deleted checkbox is displayed.
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the exporting performance review form to .pdf (the Chinese language wasn’t supported).
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with broken lines in the Positions Chart when job position had multiple parent positions.
Core HR - Improvement - The Job Role and Job Position pickers have been improved by adding the Code field by which the search can be performed. The Org Unit Picker now displays the unit Country, Location and OrgUnit Type.
Learning - Improvement - When filtering by a learning material category, the Learning Catalog, reports and charts will display the information for its subcategories as well.
Learning - Improvement - The users can upload documents to specific training events, in addition to learning materials.
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue that caused displaying the goals without due date as overdue goals.
Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue due to which the candidate status pane was hidden when opening the Candidate Tracking page on small screens or zooming it in.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Overview pane of the Employee Certificates page not working and displaying correctly after user clicked the restore page icon.
Core HR - Improvement - It is now possible to reset all the filter options selected for Additional Filter. Also, multiple options can be selected for each field (for example, several countries, job roles, etc.).
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Headcount Turnover Report displaying to Local HR changes for the employees who are not within his/her area of responsibility.
Learning - Improvement - GradeBook improvements:
· The learning material type will be displayed in GradeBook for training and quizzes.
· The GradeBook can be sorted by ABC, Completion Date, Material Type, or Material Category.
· The users can filter by Material Type, Material Category, Status (Completed or expired); filters can be combined.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the course assignment duplications by the Assign Mandatory Training job.
Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with users not being able to post jobs on SEEK due to missing Brand Selection & Preview.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Scoring Type choices in the Development Activities list not corresponding to those in the Learning Materials list. The Development Activities list choices have been updated for consistency.
Learning - Improvement - When completing the course, an employee will be able to report the achieved score. Depending on the course scoring type, it can be the percentage score, Passed/Failed or the number of training hours.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with My Task History page not showing the HR process action item to a new responsible incase the responsible was manually reassigned.
Performance - Improvement - The performance review Summary Rating has been renamed to Performance Rating to better reflect its relation to the employee performance.
Learning - Improvement - Early assignment of the required development activities that are about to expire can be set up with the help of Assign Required Activities Before Expiration setting. The setting works if the Automatically Assign Required Training Activities check box is selected.
Performance - Improvement - The printed out .pdf performance review form layout has been improved by removing the excessive space between the sections.
Data Export - Improvement - The FTP/SFTP password in the data export settings will be encrypted.
Learning - Improvement - The Mark Complete button for the training events will be disabled till the event start date. Upon clicking Mark Complete, a dialog will display where you can enter the completion date and upload a certificate.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the wrong ribbon buttons displaying in the development plan assignment details. If another assignment was opened before, the buttons related to this previous assignment were displayed for the next one.
Integrations - Improvement - The SEEK integration has been updated to correspond to the latest changes of the SEEK API.
Core HR - Improvement - The following improvement shave been made in the HR HelpDesk requests:
· Employees can be included into the request as observers: use the Include button to make request available to the selected employee(s) in the read-only mode
· The responsible employees, as well as included employees, can be unassigned using the Remove button
· System message will be displayed in comments when some employee is added to or removed from the list of responsible or included employees and when the request category is changed
· The Created column with the date and time of the request creation was added
· The Completed Date column and Closed by are available for closed requests
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with a blank space displayed before the HelpDesk request description in case the request or didn’t have the personal photo. Now a default image will be displayed instead.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - The Carried Over Recalculation Setting description has been improved to allow more clarity to the user.
Core HR - Improvement - The following improvements have been made for the conditional approval workflows:
· The users could add up to 3 conditions. This restriction has been removed and now an unlimited number of conditions can be added
· The condition order can be changed using drag and drop
· Fields of the boolean, currency and number types can be used for creating conditions
· UI improvements (the Up and Down buttons are always in the same column)
Core HR - Improvement - In the approval workflow setup, the Organizational Manager field was renamed to Org Unit Manager to keep the terminology consistent.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - The Carried Over Recalculation job is now available to recalculate carried over records for the defined vacation period for specific employees or the whole company.
Integrations - Improvement - A new data integration mechanism has been introduced allowing to synchronize data from Lanteria HR to another system using API.
Core HR - Improvement - After HR opens HR process action items from My Task History, the Fill Form actions will be displayed as separate forms even if the Create One Form per Process check box is selected.
Learning - Improvement - The Personal Development Plan page usability has been improved: columns reordered, Due Date added, filtering options redesigned.
Integrations - Improvement - An alternative account picker control can be used for Lanteria HR installations using the Office 365 authentication type. The control enables the account search and validation functionality for MS Entra ID (Azure AD). Please contact Lanteria Support for configuration.
Performance - Improvement - The Job Roles filter has been added to the Competency Job Roles Map page. The header with competencies and Job Role will freeze when scrolling.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with showing the Timesheet Report by employees (error was displayed after choosing Employees in the Rows field).
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue that prevented users from exporting the Timesheet Report details (no results found message was displayed when switching to the export mode).
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with incorrect order of the quiz question display when retrying to pass the quiz (the Sequential quiz questions were displayed in the random order).
Mobile - Improvement - In mobile version, employees can now view the personal, org unit and company goals.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue that enabled employee to use My Task History to view the Fill Form list fields that were not included into his/her action item (as editable or read-only fields).
Learning - Improvement - After completing an e-learning course or quiz, an employee will be redirected to his or her GradeBook.
Learning - Improvement - On the employee gradebook, it will be possible to view the Learning Material Type for the completed learning materials and filter them.
Core HR - Improvement - The Task Requiring My Action report has been renamed to My Task History. When the user clicks a completed development activity in this report, this specific activity will open.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the Learning Catalog from displaying the learning materials with the material type without the Icon Path specified. After the fix, default icon will be used.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with missing options for the Employee Chart additional filter (job role, job position, etc.).
Core HR, Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with alignment of the search field available for some SharePoint lists and libraries.
Learning - Improvement - The Learning Catalog tiles the learning materials are displayed in have been reduced. Long learning material descriptions will be expandable.
Performance - Improvement - When a performance review is completed (last responsible in the workflow submits the form or the Stop Review option is used), an employee whose performance is reviewed receives notification about it.
Core HR - Improvement - The employee Preferred Name can be used in the Full Name Template (used for generating full name displayed on the employee card).
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue due to which the Required Level Considered - Capped total score calculation method didn’t work when using weighted competency groups (the total score wasn’t reduced to 100%).
Core HR - Improvement - By default, the approval request steps are automatically approved if no responsible is found (there is no employee with job role assigned as responsible, for example). Now it is possible to change this behavior by selecting the Disable Automatic Request Approval check box.
Mobile - Improvement - The JavaScript files of the Lanteria HR mobile have been updated to the non-vulnerable versions.
Core HR - Improvement - In Tasks Requiring My Action and My Task History, the help desk request title will contain the name of the requestor. The HR process related action items will have the following title format: HR Process Name - Action Name - Employee\Starter Name.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the approval process setting not working if several process settings existed for the same list and the extra process settings were deleted. Also, if a list is deleted and there is approval process setting for it, such process setting will be deactivated.
Core HR – Improvement - For the conditional workflows, it is now possible to create conditions based on two different fields. The user will set up the condition priority.
Report Center – Improvement - Layout of the Report Center reports has been improved (duplicated report heading removed).
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with sending the cumulative check-in reminders (check-in updates overview).
Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Diagnostics Information page error that occurred due to incorrect maximum file size calculation.
Other – Improvement - Tasks Requiring my Action will be displayed according to purchased license (the irrelevant module tasks won’t be displayed).
Other – Improvement - The Customer Feedback button is now available from the Lanteria HR toolbar enabling the customers to give their opinion on the product and services.
Other – Improvement - All the tasks from Tasks Requiring My Action (both current and historical ones) are now available from the report.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Mark Complete button being available for the expired development activities.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed the outdated Department label on the Employee Dates report.
Time and Attendance – Improvement - The color legend has been added to the Out of Office Calendar.
Recruiting, Other – Improvement - It is now possible to use the candidate and employee first name in the letter templates.
Core HR - Improvement - A new type of approval workflows has been introduced - conditional workflows. It is now possible to set the conditions under which an approval workflow will be launched.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Copy from Date option on the My Timesheets page.
Performance - Improvement - If the two consequent performance review steps are assigned to the same responsible, the second step will be skipped.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with cropping the approval request title in case of long learning course names.
Performance - Improvement - For the 360 Feedback ad hoc reviews, there is now a setting to enable and disable these.
Performance - Improvement - On the Employee Competencies page and the performance review Competencies section, only the latest competency note is shown with an option to expand it.
Integration - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with writing the connection timeout errors into the Employee integration error log.
Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue that caused crashing the web server in case employees were each other’s managers.
Report Center - Improvement - The style of all the reports has been unified.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying inactive job roles on the Job Description page.
Core HR - Improvement - For the OffBoarding process, the future termination date can be automatically populated from the Terminations list.
Core HR - Improvement - Calculation of the HR process action Due Date will be based on the HR process Start Date, if the process start date is in the future.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the order of assigned HR Process actions not matching the order defined in the HR Process Designer (applicable only for the Checklist process type).
Learning - Improvement - The learning material description is available from the Personal Development Plan.
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed a naming issue on the Competency Job Role Assignment Rules page.
Recruiting - Improvement - In the applicant status email templates, you can use placeholders for the first name and/or last name instead of full name.
Core HR - Improvement - Employee Congratulations can be configured to display only information on employee birthdays and/or working anniversaries.
Integrations - New Functionality - A new mechanism for the employee data synchronization has been implemented. Set up the field mapping with the outside system and update data in the Lanteria HR Employees list and related lists.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with generating the mandatory development activities (the Automatically Assign Required Training Activities check box selected) when employee had a valid certificate and the Consider Certificate As Completed Training check box was selected.
Integrations - Improvement - Azure AD was renamed to MS Entra ID in the field mapping settings for the Office 360 integration.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with incorrect sorting of public holidays by date.
Learning - Improvement - The Trainings and Quizzes in the employee GradeBook are sorted by the completion date instead of ID.
Other - Issue fix - Fixed the Dashboard layout issues that occurred when zooming.
Other - Improvement - The JavaScript files have been updated to non-vulnerable versions.
Performance - Improvement - The users can launch ad hoc 360 Feedback reviews for individual employees.
Performance - Improvement - An alternative competency level title can be displayed to the assessors during the 360 feedback review.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Absence Statistics showing wrong data in case there was no generated allowance for the selected report date. A new Allowance Available column was added to the Absence Statistics report and if there is no allowance, all the related data will be hidden.
Performance - Improvement - The Performance Review report will not be displayed in the Export mode when the number of records exceeds 1000.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with custom report not displaying data in case the report was based on the HR Processes list and custom list.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with Local HR users not being able to view the action items of the HR process started for an employee under their authority.
Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with date validation on the Terminate Employee form.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the users from registering the half day leave in case their locale had a comma decimal separator.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with saving the practicum description.
Integrations - Improvement - Lanteria HR interface was modified to comply with renaming Azure AD to MS Entra ID.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue that occurred when trying to save a form of the HR process action Fill Form type with an empty required Date field.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability on the employee card.
Learning - Improvement - The SCORM integration was modified to allow using SCORM engine 2.0.
Core HR - Improvement - HR process templates can be created by copying.
Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Clean Data job failing to delete the candidate data in case there were records in Candidate Education.
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Process Employees job ignoring changes to the working groups and not generating performance review forms for the newly added employees in case these employees have been added after the review round for the working group was launched.
Other - Improvement - The solution was upgraded to.NET Framework 4.8.
Core HR - Improvement - The Work Pattern FTE will be rounded to 2 decimals in the Accrual Details of the Total Paid Leave on the Employee Absence Summary page.
Recruiting - Improvement - The Career Portal Application Statistics report is now available for tracking how many candidates reached each application step and at which step the candidates who quitted the application process stopped.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which occurred when creating a future additional assignment for terminated employee who is being rehired.
Data import - Issue fix - Fixed minor issues in the data import .csv file.
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with unreadable competency names in the Gap Analysis Chart in case the chart has a lot of competencies. If the chart has more than 12 competencies, its type will be changed to bar chart.
Learning - Improvement - Improved the View Scheduled Training feature. When clicking View Scheduled Training for a course, the Training Schedule will display the first training closest to today’s date.
Learning - Improvement - The SCORM Cloud integration was updated to support the SCORM Cloud V2 API.
Performance - Improvement - The Job Role Competency Assignment rules can be created for bulk assignment of the competencies to employees by job role.
Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with employees being able to complete the quiz without launching it. The Mark Complete button won’t be available for quizzes on the employee Personal Development Plan.
Learning - Improvement - The Development Activities report can be filtered by learning material.
Data Import - Improvement - The AD account can be setup to be used as a key (Global ID is used by default) for employee data import.
Learning - Improvement - A new setting allows skipping the Request required and Event required training materials when generating development activities for the training requirements.
Learning - Improvement - Improved layout of the EditGroup dialog for the learning groups.
Learning - Improvement - The LinkedIn Learning settings will now display the date and time of the last learning result upload.
Performance - Improvement - The qualitative and quantitative goals will be marked with corresponding labels.
Core HR - Improvement - Fixed an issue with displaying the additional managers on the Employee Chart.
Core HR - Improvement - A list for approval can be automatically generated for the Content Approval workflows.
Core HR - Improvement - Year has been removed from the Employee Birthdays report.
Core HR - Improvement - When clicking the employee card ribbon buttons, the dialogs will not open in the full screen mode, where relevant.
Recruiting - Improvement - It is now possible to setup whether the calendar conflicts are allowed when scheduling the interviews.
Core HR, Recruiting - Improvement - Layout improvements for candidate card, employee card and HR HelpDesk.
Recruiting - Issue fix - The Alternate View of the Candidate Card setting renamed to Expanded View of the Candidate Card. Fixed an issue with the card returning to the standard view after editing the additional sections (Candidate Work Experience, Candidate Documents, Application History,Candidate Education).
Core HR - Improvement - The approval requests can now be processed in bulk (approve, reject, stop process actions are available).
Recruiting, Core HR - Improvement - After deleting a job opening, the related approval request will be deleted as well. Also, the Clean Data Job will process the approval request items weekly and remove any broken requests.
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with thePerformance Dashboard showing the review steps in a wrong order on thePerformance Reviews by Step chart.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with assigning the new starter HR process to HR instead of Local HR.
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with including the inactive employees into the count of missing documents on the DocumentsDashboard.
Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue within correct candidate search for specific statuses on the Candidate Tracking page.
Performance - Improvement - The information groups(Description, KPIs, Final Evaluation) under the goal details are now formatted with bold.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Timesheet Report which occurred when any employees with special characters in name were included.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - The managers can now register time on behalf of their subordinates.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - The absences in the Out of Office Calendar will be formatted with different colors, depending on the absence type.
Core HR - Improvement - The Seniority Report andEmployee Dates Report have been redesigned to give more detailed information.
Other - Improvement - The users can now check tool tips for any ribbon buttons.
Performance - Issue fix - Fixed the layout issue for the 360 Feedback Annual 360 Review page.
Recruiting - Improvement - When HR deletes a candidate, the related applicants, applicant letters and job offers will be also deleted.
Compensation - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying the Country Remuneration in the Salary Sheet.
Data Export - Improvement - Lanteria HR supports SFTP for data export.
Learning - Improvement - The certification statistics(overall number of certificates, number of missing certificates, etc.) is available from the Employee Certificates page.
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