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Release Notes

Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.107

Other - Issue fix - System updates from the version 4.4.55 or less can be installed without issues.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.106

Other - New functionality - The cache information will be changed to JSON object instead of list items. A new setting Cache Syncronization is available in the General Settings for saving the IDs of the deleted items. The IDs will be removed by the CleanData job after 30 days. Data for the following lists will be collected: Emploees, Departments, EmploymentHistory, JobPositions, JobRoles, TrainingEvents, LearningMaterials.
Core HR - Issue fix - Values of the Employee field of the Employee Sensitive Data list cannot be modified through the Quick Edit mode.
Other - Improvement - The Modidifed by field in the Version History displays the user account instead of System Account.
Core HR - Issue fix - If in the employee full name template, the middle name is after the last name, the full name of the employee is generated and displayed according to the template.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - The carried over days approval can be done using the Lanteria HR approval processes in the Dynamic Absences mode as well.
Core HR - New functionality - The user can set up the employee data anonymization, which includes the following:
- Employee full name will be changed to "Anonymized <ID>"
- All the field values in the Employees list will be cleaned based on the Employee Data Anonymization setting
- The version history for the Employees list will be removed
- All the fields in the Employee Sensitive Data list will be removed
- The version history for the Employees Sensitive Data list will be removed
Recruiting - Improvement - The Vacancy Details form now includes the Skills section that is synchronized to Applicant Self Service. The Intranet and Company Website check boxes has been removed and a new Job Publishing section has been added. 


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.105

Time and Attendance - Improvement -The Hide sickness details from managers check box is selected by default. In the Absence Schedule, absence sub types will always be available to the HR and Local HR roles. Managers will be able to view subtypes in Absence Schedule if the Hide sickness details from managers check box is cleared.
Other - Improvement - The following dashboards are migrated to a new Kendo UI Chart engine:

- Company Overview
- Absences
- Goals
- Performance
- Learning
- Compensation

The users can choose whether the charts will be rendered using a new Kendo library or existing Microsoft Charts library.
Core HR - Improvement - The document types are ordered alphabetically when uploading employee and candidate documents.
Core HR - Improvement - The terminated employees are highlighted in the Employee Search page. 
Other - Issue fix - The web features can be activated from the system account without issues.
Performance - Issue fix - The employees can add new objectives during the performance review.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.104

Recruiting - Issue fix - The Interview form opens without issues in case the Interview Job Requirements list contains a lot items.
Recruiting - Issue fix - When creating an interview stage, the Job Opening field is hidden and populated automatically with the name of job opening the new stage is being created for.
Core HR - Issue fix - No extra icons are displayed for the Edit and Save buttons of the approval request items.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - After clicking a number in the Timesheet Report to view the timesheet records behind, the records are displayed in the pop-up window without errors. If the number of records exceeds 1,000, the list is displayed in the export mode.
Core HR - Issue fix - The values in the Employee Salary Details form are updated right after changing the employee salary.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - In the Timesheet Report, the Include Terminated Employees check box is selected by default.
Performance - Improvement - The score calculation for the quantitative objectives with the best value set to Less has been changed as follows:

- If Threshold = 0 
   - If Actual <= Target then Score = 100%
   - Otherwise Score = 0%
- If Threshold = Target then Score = 0%
- Otherwise
   - If Actual >= Threshold then Score = 0%
   - If Actual >= Max then Score = (Threshold - Actual)/(Threshold-Target)
   - Otherwise Score = (Threshold - Max)/(Threshold-Target)

Report Builder - Issue fix - When creating a report in the Report Builder, if the Employees list is selected as the base list, the fields from the Employee Salary Details are available for selection. 
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - In dynamic absence mode, after an employee requests approval of the timesheet records for some period, the period status is changed to Pending and is formatted with yellow. 
Performance - Issue fix - If the Disable Return Back check box is cleared for the workflow step, the Return to previous responsible option is available for HR/Local role.
Core HR - New functionality - The Employee Sensitive Data list is available for storing the employee data. The list is available to HR only. The data is displayed in the encrypted mode.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - If the Notes field is required for the timesheet records, the LHR - Timesheets Job handles the records where an employee used Clock In and didn't click Clock Out correctly.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - The carried over days approval can be done using the Lanteria HR approval processes.
Core HR - Issue fix - When setting up the HR process step with the Fill Form action type, it is not mandatory to specify the editable fields.
Time and Attendance - Improvement - Leave balance will be recalculated in case of the changes of the employee work pattern. Recalculation will be performed if the Calculate Annual Leave Based On Employment History setting is set to yes. Please note that the setting is added upon customer's request by the implementation engineer.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.103

Time & Attendance - Improvement - For the Monthly End and Bi-Weekly End types of absence accrual, the users can set up the allowance for the last month or week in the accrual year to be included at the end of the current year or at the beginning of the following year. For the allowance to be included into the following year allowance, select the Accrue Last Period at Start check box under General Settings > Time and Attendance > Absences (the Advanced tab).
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The vacation records for the future spending period can be edited without issues.
Learning - Issue fix - The Learning Group Management page has the correct layout.
Learning - Issue fix - No extra Learning Groups links are displayed on the Local HR home page.
Data Export - Improvement - The automatic data export can be set up to be saved to the Data Export Library. To achieve this, select 3-Save to Library in the Export Type field of the Data Export Settings page. Please note that for the Email or FTP export types, the exported files are also temporarily saved to the Data Export Library, but deleted after sending by mail or copying to FTP.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - In dynamic absence mode, if the Hide sickness details from manager check box is selected, the Subtype field is not hidden for HR during the data export. 
Performance - Issue fix - To avoid issues while saving competency assessments for a big number of competencies per employee, the Competency Assessment form is locked after clicking Save and the Working on it loader is displayed.
Core HR - Improvement - Link to the Change Reasons list is now available in Settings > Settings and Configuration > Core HR under Org Structure > Advanced.
Core HR - New functionality - The Data Clean job will remove items older than 3 months in the Notifications Tasks list and Application Log list. The Candidate Registration list items will be removed upon candidate removal.
Core HR  - New functionality - A page with information about the employee data stored in the system is available from Settings > Settings and Configuration > Core HR under Employee Database > Employee Related Data Structure.
Core HR - New functionality - Employee data will be removed from all the SQL tables upon the employee deletion.
Other - New functionality - It's possible now to send emails with attachment in workflows.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.101

Data Import - Issue fix - If the data import rules contain several keys, the data is uploaded correctly even when the column order in the data import spreadsheet doesn't coincide with the key order.
Other - Issue fix - Custom pickers work correctly in the Quick Edit mode. Additionally, now the Lanteria HR lists can be used as SharePoint source in the 3-rd party applications (like Power BI).
Core HR - Issue fix - The Headcount Turnover report displays data correctly in cases when the country, location or company are not specified for the organizational unit where the changes occurred.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.100

Other - Issue fix - Wrong values in the french *.resx file have been corrected.
Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Future periods are not displayed in the Timesheet Approval window opened from the Timesheet Calendar.
Core HR - Issue fix - The requester and HR now can edit approval request items with the status Draft in custom lists.
Other - Issue fix - The system sends correct notifications about changes of the date or time for the fields of the Date and Time type. 
Core HR - Issue fix - When assigning an employee to job position, if the Enable Changing Salary Details check box is not selected, the employee salary record won't be updated.
Performance - Improvement - If employee's job role changed, the Competencies sections of the completed performance reviews for this employee remain unchanged and are not influenced by the new competency requirements.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.98

Core HR - Issue fix - Only unique values are allowed for the Organizational Unit Type field.

Data Import - Issue fix - During the data import, if the Create Employment History check box is selected for employees with specified employment date, the current assignment start date is set to employment date; for employees without specified employment date, the current assignment start date is set to the date of importing the employee.

Learning - Issue fix - If the learning material title in Learning Catalog is changed, the titles of the development activities based on this learning material are updated automatically.

Recruiting - Issue fix - The Show Vacancy ID setting has been removed from the Recruiting settings.


Lanteria HR, Versions 4.4.96

Time & Attendance - New functionality - The absence type will be hidden in the Out of Office Calendar and Absence Schedule.
If the user selects the Hide sickness details from managers check box in the Absence settings, all the sicknesses will be displayed to managers with the Absence type. That is, the managers will not be able to differentiate between the employee sicknesses and other absences in Absence Requests and other places. The detailed information about the sickness records will also be hidden.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The timesheet data is not lost after the page reload in Mozilla Firefox if it has been saved using the Save Changes button.
Other - Issue fix - Delete protector now works for all lists of Lanteria HR web site.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - In the Out of Office Calendar, the employee names in the tooltip are displayed separated with the semicolon.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.94

Performance - Issue fix - When editing a development activity in Internet Explorer, no irrelevant alerts are displayed.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.93

Time & Attendance - Improvement - A page for managing the timesheet approval has been created. The users can view the approval requests with their statuses, process the requests and view the approval history. The Timesheet Management Page is available through the Timesheet Approval button in the Timesheet Report.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - The Weeks interval in the Timesheet Report displays the week days according to the regional settings (starting from Sunday/Monday etc.).
Performance - Issue fix - The Competency Assessment graph in the Assessment 360 Result Report displays correctly.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Extra time off records calculated by seniority are not duplicated in the Dynamic absence mode.
Core HR - Improvement - The Edit links for Job Requirements, Job Responsibilities and Job Role Relationship will open not the Quick Edit view, but All Items view to avoid issues with the fields of the Picker type.
Other - Issue fix - When exporting data, the multichoice field values are separated by semicolon.
Core HR - Issue fix - In the HelpDesk requests, the order of comments is ascending (from the earliest message to the last one), and the add new comment block is not displayed if the request status is Completed.
Performance - Issue fix - The employee self-assessment is displayed correctly in the Competency Assessment graph of the Assessment 360 Result Report.
Report Builder - Issue fix - If the user deletes a field from the report in the report designer, the changes made before deletion are saved.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.91

These versions are not compatible with Dynamic absence mode.

Core HR - Issue fix - Employee cant be terminated without filling in all the mandatory fields, irrespective of the order in which the fields are filled in.
Time&Attendance - Improvement - Extra Time Off Calculation Rules will be processed by job on the daily basis (previously it was processed once a year when calculating new allowance). This means that Extra days will be available when anniversary occurs. All rules for the current allowance period will be processed and allocated on the first run of the Absence Plan job. This functionality will be implemented for the dynamic absences in future versions.
Performance - Improvement - If performance review step is assigned to manager, additional manager or department manager and an employee doesn't have those assigned, performance review will be assigned to HR and not to the employee.
Learning - Improvement - A new setting has been added allowing to disable the training event calendar appointments. If you want the calendar appointments to be sent to the training attendees, select the Send training appointments to attendees check box under Settings > Settings and Configuration > Learning > Classroom Trainings.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.90

Recruiting - Improvement - The Job Offers button is now available from the Candidate Card.
Core HR, Recruiting - Improvement - When changing the field order in the Candidate Card Designed or Employee Card Designer, the selected record is highlighted so that the user can clearly identify the field whose order is being changed.
Performance - Improvement  - Links to the Performance Review Form Designer and Performance Review Workflows are available from the Performance Review Rounds page.
Time&Attendance - Improvement - The Timesheet Report has been improved to work with big amounts of data.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.89

Learning - Issue fix - After assigning a learning material with YouTube link set as External Link to an employee, the video is launched without issues.
Core HR - Issue fix - When an employee changes his or her first name in the employee card, the Full Name field is updated to display a correct first name and last name.
Core HR - Issue fix - The Organizational Chart displays without the shifted lines in the org unit relationships. 
Core HR - Issue fix - The field layout is the same on both Require My Action and Created by Me tabs of the My Approval Requests page.
Core HR - Improvement - The employee names in the Approval Requests and My Approval Requests pages are displayed as hyperlinks. 


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.88

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - When exporting the Timesheet Report, it is exported according to the grouping defined by the user.
Other - Issue fix - The User Profile Synchronization job doesn't replace the "&" character with "and".
Performance - Improvement - When defining the competency level descriptions, the Job Role field is not mandatory.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - In the Timesheet Report, the project activities are displayed according to the setup in the Timesheet Projects list.
Performance - Issue fix - If the Review Summary Scores list contains the "0 - Not Applicable" option, during the performance review, the average score based on the Summary Score section is populated to the Select Summary Rating field.
Time & Attendance -  Issue fix - In the Timesheet Report, the project employees are displayed according to the setup in the Timesheet Projects list. 
Core HR - Improvement - The Future Assignments section has been hidden from the Employee role interface. Since the future assignments are never displayed to the employees, this section was always displayed empty.
Learning - Issue fix - When an employee is registering for a training and selects a training event with no seats available, an error message is displayed. 
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If the Timesheet Approval Workflow is set to Weekly and a week includes both days from the end of one month and the beginning of another, the hours sent for approval are displayed correctly and contain time from both months.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.87

Other - Issue fix - The mechanism of the cache backup has been improved so that the system could function with big amounts of data without errors. 
Core HR - Issue fix - The terminated employees are not displayed in the Assign To field any more. Some minor layout issues have been fixed.
Learning - Issue fix - If the Learning Storage is set to SQL, the result for the completed quizzes (passed or failed) is displayed correctly in the Personal Development Plan.
Compensation - Issue fix - The top bar layout issue in the Salary Sheet has been corrected. 
Core HR - Issue fix - The Employee Chart is exported to PDF with pictures now (for images located internally and externally).


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.86

Performance - Issue fix - If the Allow Completion and Allow Reassignment check boxes are selected in the performance review workflow step settings, the Stop Review and Assign to Person options are not available to the user on this step.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If the Absence Percent field is visible in the absence request form and it is not filled in, the form can still be saved by the user without issues.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - The Notes field in the timesheet records can now be set up to be mandatory or optional. A new Timesheet Record Notes setting is available in the Time & Attendance settings.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If an invalid input is entered into a Date/Time field of the absence registration form, a standard warning message is displayed and the user can proceed to correcting the input.
Core HR - Issue fix - Inactive org units are now also included into the Headcount Turnover report data.
Core HR - Improvement - In the Open Probation Reviews page, the values of the Manager and Employee fields have been replaced with the links to the employee cards of the corresponding employees.
Performance - Improvement - If a performance review form is generated for a probation review, when opening this form from the Open Probation Reviews page, the form is opened maximized.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix In the Timesheet Report, after clearing the Hide Empty Records check box, the empty records are displayed.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.85

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - When a company holiday is created in Lanteria HR, any employee absences registered for this day are recalculated not to exclude this day from the employee allowance.
Learning - Issue fix - A learning material can now be added to a Curriculum only once.
Learning - Improvement - When exporting the Learning reports to pdf, now all the columns are included into one page. 
Recruiting - Improvement - The term "vacancy" has been renamed to "job opening" in the Recruiting module pages. The change will be effective for the new installations and old installations upon request.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Now the timesheets can also be approved by managers and HR from the Approval Requests. 
Core HR - Issue fix - The connections in the Organizational Chart and Employee Chart are now displayed correctly.
Performance - Issue fix - If texts for the drop-down lists are long, they are now displayed without the layout issues.
Learning - Issue fix - If the same learning material is assigned to an employee twice, the development activity is not duplicated.
Learning - Improvement - In the Status filter of the Development Activities report and Learning Materials report, a separate option for the Cancelled status has been implemented. Now the cancelled development activities will not be displayed when filtering by the Active status.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.83

Core HR - Issue fix - The Documents dashboard displays correct links to the documents so that users can open them from dashboard without issues.
Learning - Issue fix - The Trainer Availability button now displays without the typo mistakes. 
Learning - Improvement - When scheduling the classroom training, after clicking Scheduling Assistant, the page is opened maximized.
Performance - Issue fix - The Overall Score is displayed correctly in the 360 Feedbacks list and is now consistent with the Assessment 360 Result Report.
Learning - Improvement - In the Learning reports, the Learning Materials drop-down has been replaced with picker.
Core HR - Improvement - If a performance review form has been generated as a part of probation process, a link to such form will be displayed on the Open Probation Reviews page and My Team Probation Reviews page.
Performance - Issue fix - The Add Ad Hoc Review button has been hidden from the Employee role menu (My Performance Reviews).


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.82

Recruiting - Improvement - When creating a vacancy by copying, the vacancy questions will be copied into the newly created vacancy.
Report Center - Improvement - Layout of the fields displaying percent values in custom reports has been improved. 
Core HR - Improvement - The Company Figures graph in the HR Dashboard page now displays FTE not only for main assignments, but also for all assignments (main + additional).
Performance - Improvement - The order of the graphs in the Goals dashboard has been changed to make it more user friendly.
Recruiting - Issue fix - When creating an employee from candidate, the skills are now copied from candidate to employee.
Learning - Improvement - In the Employee Development Plan, the View Mandatory Trainings check box has been renamed to View Missing Mandatory Trainings, since the mandatory trainings are displayed only when they are missing. 
Recruiting - Issue fix - When creating an employee from candidate, the candidate documents are now copied with the document type.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The validation messages for the required fields in the absence registration forms have been brought to consistency for all the absence types.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.80

Performance - Improvement - When launching the ad-hoc performance review, the users can now specify whether all the employee competencies are to be assessed or only those required by the job role (use the Include Job Competencies Only check box).
Core HR - Improvement - In the Approval Requests page, the name of the current responsible is displayed as a hyperlink to the employee card. 
Performance - Issue fix - When creating a new section for the performance review form, the Score Weight % field displays only after the Included in Summary Score check box is selected.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.79

Learning - New functionality - If an employee has any required trainings and no development activities assigned to complete these trainings, the development activities can be assigned automatically. For automatic generation of development activities, under Settings > Settings and Configuration > Learning, click Learning Catalog and select the Automatically Assign Required Training Activities check box.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - When booking a business trip, the approval requests are sent without issues, if approval workflow for business trips is set up.
Performance - Issue fix - Markup of the table for evaluating job responsibilities during the performance review has been improved so that the users could clearly see which note belongs to which responsibility.
Core HR - Issue fix - When uploading an employee document, the Created By and Modified By fields are now filled with the name of the user who uploaded a document.
Core HR - Issue fix - If the system cannot identify an employee responsible for some HR process steps, such steps will be assigned to HR.
Performance - Issue fix - If a field in the Review Data section of the performance review form contains special symbols, the data is saved and review is submitted without issues.
Other - Issue fix - The employees can now download documents from the custom document libraries without issues.
Other - Improvement When the users are uploading files with the same names, the warning message is displayed.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.78

Recruiting - New functionality - Integration with Exchange/365 Office calendars was implemented. When scheduling the interviews and classroom trainings, the users can now check the trainers’ and interviewers’ calendars to find out their availability.  The integration can be set up under Settings > Settings and Configuration > General > Exchange Integration by specifying the exchange version, exchange integration link and login and password for the user who will be able to view the calendars.
Performance - Issue fix - After submitting the review, an employee cannot use the Back button in the Internet browser to modify and submit review on the step he or she is not responsible for.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - The Acting Persons field type has been changed from lookup to picker. When scheduling absences, vacations, sicknesses, business trips or absences of the custom types, the users can select an acting person in a more convenient way.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - When extra time off is added to the employee allowance based on the calculation rule with the Occurrence set to Incremental, the calculation formula (range used) is not displayed in the Employee Absence Summary.
Recruiting - Issue fix - The Interview Form is displayed to the external candidates without the layout issues.
Learning - Issue fix - Cancelled development activities cannot be marked as completed.
Recruiting - Issue fix - If a completed interview form with the Summary Score section exists, the candidate ranking is calculated according to the following formula: (Average score) / Max Score * 100 * Weight
Core HR - Issue fix - Additional Filter now works correctly in the Organizational Tree.
Other - Issue fix - After changing from one locale to another, the date and time fields are now displayed n without errors.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.77

Core HR - Issue fix - When assigning an employee to job position, the Organizational Unit picker works correctly.
Performance - Issue fix - When filling in the 360 feedback form, the user is prevented from submitting the form until all the mandatory sections are filled in.
Recruiting - New functionality - Now users can specify the time zone for each location in the Locations list. When the interview appointment is sent to the interviewers, the interview time is set based on the interviewer’s time zone.
Time & Attendance - New functionality - In the My Absences page, for all the absence types, including dynamic absences, an employee can now select a future report date and view the expected Total Leave, Booked and Leave Balance. The calculation will be based on the employee's current work pattern with the assumption that employee will not take any leave during that period.
Recruiting - Issue fix - After scheduling the first interview, the user doesn’t see the No interviews are scheduled message.
Learning - Issue fix - The user can perform group assignment for the scheduled training from the Learning Material Details page.
Learning - Improvement - An additional header was added to the Learning Statistics report of the Learning dashboard to clarify that the number of missing/expired certificates and missing required trainings are displayed as of today, disregarding the selected period.
Core HR - Improvement - When assigning an employee to job position, the user can see the org units list based on his/her permissions.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.76

Performance - Improvement - In performance review form, for the sections of the Objectives Plan type, the Total Score will not be displayed.
Learning - Issue fix - In the Development Activities report, the cancelled development activities are not displayed when the user selects to filter by the Active status.
Learning - Issue fix - When scheduling the training through the Schedule Training quick link, only the Event Required learning materials are available for selection.
Recruiting - Improvement - When creating the templates for the job offer generation, the users can now include the Vacancy_Title field that will be replaced by the vacancy name in the generated offer.
Recruiting - Improvement - The users can edit the skills of the internal candidates when working with the section of the Skills type in the interview form generated based on the interview form template.


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Release Notes