Custom Styles

Release Notes

Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.74

Core HR - Improvement - Global employee ID is now validated for the unique value. If the user specifies a global ID that already exists when creating a new employee, an error message will be displayed.
Recruiting - Issue fix - If the interview form contains the Skills section, the skills for the internal candidate are displayed correctly. The skills can be edited in the interview form that is not based on the interview form template. Skill editing for the template-based forms will be added in the future versions.
Data Import - Improvement - Fields with boolean fields that have NULL values are not imported into the system. Errors are recorded into the Excel spreadsheet. 


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.73

Performance - Issue fix - If the Competency Storage is set to SQL, the competency assessment time is stored correctly and is the same for both score and comment.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The employees who return from absence today are not included into the Absence dashboard Absent Today report. The exception is employees who return today in the afternoon. 
Learning - Issue fix - The Development Activities by Status report of the Learning dashboard displays the data correctly and according to the selected period. 
Report Builder - Improvement - When creating reports based on a custom list that contains Employee Full Name lookup with multiple values allowed, employee names are now displayed as links instead of plain text.
Core HR - Issue fix - The Organizational Chart is now displayed to employees without HR permissions with correct org unit relationships.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.72

Learning - Improvement - The performance of the Learning module has been improved so that it works without delays for the systems with big amounts of data in the Learning Materials list.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The Clock in button is now available for the timesheets with the current date only.
Core HR - Issue fix - If the required field of the Date and Time type in the employee card is not filled in, the card will not be saved and the error message will be displayed.
Report Builder - Issue fix - For the reports created in the Spanish local, the salary details fields are displayed correctly.
Core HR - Issue fix - When creating employee from candidate, the education records are copied to the employee card correctly, including those with the empty optional fields and special symbols.
Recruiting - Issue fix - The Candidate Card displays without the java script errors.
Performance - Issue fix - If different summary ratings are assigned to employee during the performance review, all of them are saved correctly.
Other - Issue fix - The fields of the Multiple lines of text type with Append Changes to Existing Text set to Yes (usually used for notes) now display 10 latest records.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.71

Performance - Issue fix - After submitting the assessment, the results report is displayed without the layout issues ("tdSectionContent" is not added after the competency assessment).
Core HR - Improvement - When deleting the candidates, the candidate documents will be also deleted.
Performance - Issue fix - The Assessment 360 Result Report displays correctly even if the HR user runs the 360 review round with self-assessment and afterwards selects the Exclude Self-Assessment check box.
Other - Issue fix - Web feature is activated without issues if Intranet is selected as the first Alternate Access Mapping. The system now checks for any alternate zone settings.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - For the absent manager to be able to approve upon return the requests that were not approved by the acting person, both manager and acting person will be added to approvers if Approval Type on approval step is set to Any Approver.
Performance - Issue fix - When the goal has the same start date and due date, it is displayed in only one of the review form sections. If the date is within the current review period, the goal is displayed in the section of the Objectives type. If the date is in the future in relation to the review period, it is displayed in the Objectives Plan section.
Performance - Issue fix - The Assessment 360 Result Report displays without the layout issues in Spanish localization.
Core HR - Issue fix - The employee email in the employee search results is now restored from the cache file and displayed correctly.
Performance - Improvement - When viewing or editing the interview form section of the Form Fields type, the fields are now displayed in the same order, as they were listed in the Section Fields field of the Interview Form Sections form.
Performance - Improvement - When the user is printing the performance review form that contains the Competency section type, all the competency assessments performed within the current review round will be printed out.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.70

Performance - Issue fix - When setting up the section weights for the calculated score, the Score Weight % field now displays only after selecting a section of the relevant type (Competency, Objective or KPI) and the Included in Summary Score check box.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Absence allowance is generated correctly if the Accrual From field in the absence plan is set to Service Date.
Core HR - Improvement - Now the HR Dashboard charts include the number of employees with the corresponding attribute not specified (works for the country, location and company attributes). The numbers in the charts will be displayed in the descending order.
Core HR - Improvement - The Structure Dashboard report (Core HR > Reports > Structure Dashboard) now also includes the number of employees with the corresponding attribute not specified (works for the country, location and company attributes).
Report Builder - Issue fix - In the custom reports designed in Lanteria HR with the lookup fields used for filtering the report, the data is displayed correctly even if the lookup field filter is based on fields other than Title.
Core HR - Issue fix - The users can start the approval process from the Employee menu, My Approval Requests page even if the employee name contains special characters.
Recruiting - Issue fix - After creating a new vacancy by copying, the page refreshes at once displaying a newly created vacancy to the user.
Performance - Issue fix - The Overall Rating field value in the 360 Assessments list is now calculated correctly due to the self-assessment initial (zero) rating not included.
Other - Issue fix - The layout issue related to the Total Count column display was corrected in the Timesheet Report, Employee Absence Summary and Salary Budget Analysis.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.69

Core HR - Issue fix - When editing the Approval Process Settings for the content approval process, the target list displays correctly, according to the setup made by the user before.
Core HR - Issue fix - In the process settings for the existing approval processes, the Request Approval Manually check box is now available for editing.
Core HR - Improvement - When the user is trying to assign an employee who doesn't have any main position to additional position, the error message is displayed. The text of this message has been modified to reflect the cases when the user is trying to close the main position and when an employee is not assigned to any position.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If there is more than one carried over record, only the latest record in a period will be taken into account. This will help to avoid incorrect absence booking in case the absence plan settings were changed and more than one carried over record was generated.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The reminders that are based on the Absence Reminder By Reminder Date rule are now generated without issues.
Recruiting - New functionality - The Control Answer and Change Status To fields were added to the Vacancy Questions list. For the vacancy questions of the yes/no and choice types, it will be possible to define the control answer. If the candidate's answer coincides with the control answer, his or her status will be changed to the status selected in the Change Status To field. Please note that to use this functionality for the questions of the choice type, the Display Choices as field must be set to Drop-down Menu or Radio Buttons).


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.68

Core HR - Issue fix - Local HR specific employee search was implemented. Now Local HR can search among the employees they are responsible for.
Performance - Issue fix - The Assessment 360 Result Report is working without errors.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The Absence Plan job doesn't fail in case employee's employment date is February 29 and Accrual From is set to Service Date in this employee's absence plan.
Performance - Issue fix - If Assign Summary Rating for the performance review workflow is set to false, the Summary Rating field doesn't contain the "0 - Not Applicable" rating after the review step is completed.
Core HR - Issue fix - The Organizational Chart now has a correct layout for the non-HR user roles.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - When the user clicks Absences Pending Approval in the HR Absences dashboard, the Absences Pending Approval report is opened instead of the Absence Records Report.
Core HR - Improvement - When a new employee is automatically created as a result of the user profiles synchronization, HR receives notification about this.
Other - Issue fix - When the SQL feature is activated during the solution deployment, all the tables are updated without errors.
Performance - Improvement - The Overall Score field was added to the 360 Assessments list to store the results of the employee competency assessment. The average score for all the competencies and all the assessors will be displayed.
Performance - Issue fix - The Overall Score field has been hidden from the 360 Assessments Edit form.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.66

Core HR - Improvement - If the number of approval requests in the system exceeds the SharePoint list view threshold, the reports for the approval requests are still displayed correctly.
Recruiting - Issue fix - If the user leaves the Requested by field blank when creating a vacancy, the vacancy details are displayed without errors.
Core HR - New Functionality - A new Employee Access check box has been added to the Upload Document form. When uploading the employee documents, the user can now make it available to the employee the document is being uploaded for. If the check box is not selected, the employee will not be able to see the uploaded document.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.65

Other - Improvement - During Lanteria HR installation, the permission groups for all the standard user roles, including ES Performance Manager, ES Recruiting Manager, ES Training Manager, are now created.
Performance - Improvement - When selecting summary rating during performance review, the users can now select the 0 (Not Applicable) rating. Such ratings will not be taken into account in the Average Summary Score by Org Unit chart available in the Performance Round Details.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - If approval workflow is not assigned to the absence list, additional managers can also approve absences on behalf of the direct manager.
Performance - Issue fix - If the review template for the 360 Feedback contains a mandatory section of the Competencies type and the user submits the form without completing this section, a warning message is displayed informing the user that the Competencies section must be filled in.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - If the employee's manager is changed and employee has an absence request pending manager's approval, the request is redirected to the new manager.
Performance - Issue fix - In the Performance dashboard, the Top / Low Scored Competencies chart is working correctly in case SQL is selected as the competence storage under Settings > Settings and Configuration > Performance, the Advanced tab.
Recruiting - Issue fix - If the interview form template contains a section of the Form Fields type, the form is generated correctly and all the fields included into the section are displayed to the interviewer.
Core HR - Issue fix - When using the Job Description Approval Workflow to change the job role description, the existing, new, edited and deleted records are now formatted with different colors, according to the legend.
Report Center - Issue fix - When exporting reports to Excel, the data is exported according to the filters set for the report.
Core HR - Issue fix - In the HR HelpDesk request comment box, the employee global ID is displayed correctly next to the employee name.
Core HR - Issue fix - When changing the employee job, after changing the organizational unit, the job position is now updated to one of the job positions in the selected unit.
Core HR - Issue fix - The Job Position field of the job assignment window now displays job positions correctly in the systems with more than 100 job positions.
Core HR - Issue fix - The Date and Time data type is now copied to the .cache backup files.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.64

Performance - Issue fix - If the Enable Form History check box is selected in the Performance Review settings, this doesn't prevent the employee from submitting the performance review.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Local HR can now approve absence requests where he or she is not a current responsible.
Performance - Improvement - HR and Performance Manager can delete comments in the Objectives, Development Needs and Competencies sections of the performance review form.
Other - Improvement - Code from the data import handler was moved to BLDataImport to ensure that several data import processes can be run simultaneously.
Core HR - Improvement - Out of the box Job Description Approval workflow settings were updated for the approval process to function correctly.
Performance - Issue fix - The system now handles the competency names with special characters correctly.
Core HR - Issue fix - The Organizational Chart layout has been corrected to display the org unit relations without extra relation lines.
Core HR - Issue fix - The Job Roles list can now work in the Cash mode, if such mode is enabled.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.63

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - In the dynamic absences mode, when the user creates an absence request, the request is created without errors in the Event Viewer.
Report Builder - New Functionality - Custom reports can now be accessed by the Manager and Local HR roles through the new Report Builder menu.
Core HR - Improvement - When data in the Employee Documents list is being loaded, the Working on it... message is now displayed.
Performance - Issue fix - The Competencies and Development Needs sections now work properly for all the locales.
Performance - Issue fix - If a section of the Job Responsibilities type is selected in the Lock Sections field of the performance review workflow step, the section is displayed as read-only during this step.
Other - Improvement - The Office 365 synchronization settings are now available from the user interface under Settings > Settings and Configuration > General, the Development tab.
Performance - Issue fix - During the performance review, if the Return to Previous Responsible function is used, a review form is now returned not to the previous step, but to the employee previously responsible for the form.
Core HR - Issue fix - When the manager creates a Job Description Approval request, the request is now available to the manager on the Created by Me tab of the Approval Requests page.
Performance - Issue fix - The Top/Low Scored Competencies chart on the Dashboard now doesn't take into account competencies that are not rated.
Performance - Issue fix - During performance review, the users can remove only their own comments in the Development Needs and Development Needs Plan types of sections.
Report Center - Improvement - If in the Report Designer, the permissions for the custom report are granted to the custom role, the employees belonging to this role can now access the report.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.61

Performance - Issue fix - User with the Employee role cannot create ad-hoc performance reviews any more.

Core HR - Issue fix - Approval history is now available to Local HR and manager(s) of the employee for whom the approval process was initiated.

Time & Attendance - Improvement - Extra time off requests were excluded from the Out of Office calendar.

Recruiting - Issue fix - The General Notes in the Interview Details form are now saved without issues.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.60

Core HR - Issue fix - After an employee record is created and AD account assigned, the employee can access his or her employee card without issues.
Performance - Issue fix - During performance review, if the current responsible is changed through the Assign to Person function, the review is not reassigned to the previous responsible any more.
Recruiting - Issue fix - When the Recruiting Manager is creating a vacancy, the Recruiting Managers field is filled in automatically by his or her name.
Core HR - Improvement - In the Change Job page, the Org Unit and Job Role field types were changed from lookups to pickers.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - The maximum number of the absent employee names displayed for one day in the Out of Office Calendar was increased from 2 to 7.
Core HR - Issue fix - When a new org unit is created in the Organizational Structure page, the page is refreshed at once and the newly created org unit is displayed.
Report Builder - Improvement - In the Report Center, the user now sees reports by sections and not by modules. One section can include several modules. The sections are displayed as follows:

  • Core HR (includes Org Structure and HR Administration)
  • Time & Attendance (includes Absence)
  • Compensation (includes Compensation)
  • Recruiting (includes Recruiting)
  • Performance (includes Appraisal, Competence, Goals, Talent)
  • Learning (includes Learning)

Only HR can create and edit reports. Managers and Local HRs can now run the reports created by HR.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.59

Time & Attendance - Improvement - If the Do Not Accrue Allowance During Unpaid Leave check box is selected, allowance for all the absence types (vacation, sickness, absence etc.) is not accrued. This rule works when employee is on any type of unpaid leave (vacation, sickness, absence, etc.)
Core HR - Issue fix - HR can terminate an employee without any issues.
Learning - Issue fix - When several requests are sent for the same training event at the same time, they are now processed by the system sequentially so that to avoid exceeding the maximum number of seats.
Learning - Improvement - A link to the Appointment Templates list was added to Settings > Settings and Configuration > General > Notifications and Reminders.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - In case there are sequential absence records, the Out of Office Calendar doesn't show the redundant absence records any more.
Learning - Issue fix - When a development activity is created with a link to development need, the activity is created correctly and is associated with the selected development need.
Other - Improvement - A link to the Cost Centers list was added to Settings > Settings and Configuration > Core HR > Org Structure.
Learning - Issue fix - The training requests for the learning materials with the "&" symbol in the name are now created correctly.
Core HR - Issue fix - If the Employees list or Salary Details list is updated through the approval process, the employee Full Name field is not updated.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.58

Performance - Issue fix - In 360 Performance Reviews, the Overall Rating now is calculated based on the selected groups of assessors. For example, if the subordinates are not included into assessment, this group is not taken into account.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - A new reminder was added notifying HR about unapproved absence requests. The notification is sent before the beginning of the new accrual period. Please note that approving past absence requests after the new allowance is generated can lead to the incorrect numbers in the carried over days.
Performance - Issue fix - When an employee is deleted from the Employee Database, any active performance reviews for this employee are also deleted.
Core HR - Issue fix - Special characters in the employee name do not prevent launching the approval process any more.
Performance - Issue fix - The redundant characters were removed from the Assessment 360 Form page.
Performance - Issue fix - Assigning performance review using the Assign to Person field in the Performance Reviews page now works without errors.
Performance - Improvement - Performance Manager can now launch an ad-hoc performance review for any of the employees he or she is responsible for.
Recruiting - Issue fix - The user can create an employee from candidate without issues, irrespective of the candidate's date of birth.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.57

Learning - Issue fix - When an employee is enrolling for a training from Learning Catalog, he or she can select one of the scheduled training events without encountering any issues.
Recruiting - Issue fix - When using the interview form template with the Form Fields section type, the interview form now functions without errors.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If the Daily accrual method is used with the Working Days period calculation type and the company year start date is before the employment date, the absence allowance is now calculated properly.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If the absence duration is full day or more, the days/hours specified manually will be reset to the calculated value after the user clicks Save.
Core HR - Improvement - In the Equal Employment Opportunity report, the Total and Previous Year Total amounts were formatted bold.
Core HR - Improvement - The Update Manager checks if the Core HR menu already contains the EEO report manu item, and if not, such menu item will be created.
Data Import - Improvement - A custom grid view for lists mapped to data import section items has been created. When the user clicks Edit in Datasheet View in the Data Import page (Settings > Data Import), a new grid view will open. Also if the user clicks Create data mapping for custom list and creates another section item for any list, the grid view will be created as well.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If the requested absence duration exceeds the number of working hours for a day, an error message is displayed to the user.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.56

Performance - Issue fix - When using the 360 Feedbacks, if self-assessment is excluded, it is not accounted in calculation of the overall score.
Learning - Issue fix - In Personal Development Plan, the required trainings completed by an employee are now displayed correctly (as Completed and not Missing Mandatory).
Learning - Issue fix - When the Learning Prerequisites Mode is set to Required, an employee cannot complete the development activity without completing the prerequisites any more.
Other - Issue fix - After Lanteria HR installation and web features activation, the ES Local HR permission group is now created correctly.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - In absence request, if employee specifies the exact number of hours for the absence, the number of days and hours (Calculated Duration) is displayed correcty.
Core HR - Issue fix - The possibility of the XSS attack through the process templates has been eliminated.
Performance - Issue fix - If the KPI is not assessed yet (the Actual Value field is blank), the KPI is not displayed with the red status image any more.
Performance - Improvement - When importing the job role competencies, it is now possible to define the required level as a score (numeric value) or a competency level title (text value, for example, Meets Expectations). 
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - In absence requests, the approval workflow related technical fields are not displayed to the users.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.55

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Currently the manager or other user is not able to create an approved absence if he or she is not responsible for approval. The Approval Status field was removed from the forms used for creating the absences.
Core HR - Issue fix - When using Google Chrome, it is now possible to enter information into the fields of the Date type in the Employee card.
Performance - Issue fix - The possibility of XSS attack through the employee Career Goals has been eliminated (the Title, Description and Career Challenges fields).
Performance - Issue fix - The possibility of XSS attack when assessing the employee competencies for the 360 Performance Review has been eliminated (the Comments field).
Core HR - Issue fix - The Data Export doesn't stop running due to the "Server Out of Memory" error.
Core HR - Issue fix - The user can now start the approval process for another person according to the user permissions.
Core HR - New functionality - It is now possible to set up the EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) categories and specify the category for the job role. This information will be a part of the employment history. The EEO report has been implemented and is now available from the Core HR reports to analyze the equal employment opportunity statistics in a company.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.54

Learning - Issue fix - When making a group assignment for the learning group, the learning material is now assigned correctly.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Absence allowance is now generated without errors if the employee’s employment date is set to February 29.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Absence allowance is generated correctly for all the accrual methods if the Prorate current and new rules proportionally setting is applied as the absence accrual rule for the seniority/age range transition.
Performance - Issue fix - Now HR can delete a performance review without errors.
Core HR - Issue fix - The system doesn’t skip the Local HR step in the approval process workflow. 
Learning - Issue fix - The possibility of XSS attack through the training request Title and Comments fields was eliminated.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The possibility of XSS attack through the Absence Plan Title and Description fields was eliminated.
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Manager cannot approve an absence request if he or she is not the current responsible for the absence approval. The approval link visible only to HR and current responsible. The Approval Status field has been hidden from the absence editing forms.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If an employee has approved carried over days and doesn’t have an absence allowance generated yet (the Monthly End accrual method is being used), the number of approved carried over days is displayed in the Leave Balance section instead of N/A.
Performance - Issue fix - During the data migration, if any lookup errors are encountered, this doesn’t prevent the migration script from running. The errors are recorded into the error log.
Performance - Issue fix - The possibility of the XSS attack through the following fields of the Qualitative and Quantitative objectives was eliminated: Title, Comments, Key Result Activities, KPIs and Final Evaluation.
Learning - Issue fix - The possibility of XSS attack through the cancel development activity Comments field was eliminated.
Learning - Issue fix - The possibility of XSS attack through the development activity Title and Description fields was eliminated.
Learning - Issue fix - The possibility of XSS attack through the learning material Title, Description and Objectives fields was eliminated.
Learning - Issue fix - In a Quiz Builder, when adding a new answer for the newly created question, the question is saved properly after clicking Add New Answer. 
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - On the My Absences page, the date range the absences are displayed for has been changed. Now the absence records for the current year are displayed, instead of the current month.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Carried over days are now generated correctly for the Monthly End and Bi-Weekly End accrual methods if Allow Overbooking is set to Yes.
Learning - Issue fix - In quizzes, the questions are now sorted by the Order column within a category.
Learning - Issue fix - The possibility of XSS attack through the training event editing form has been eliminated (the Title and Room fields).


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.53

Core HR - Issue fix - The values of fields related to a new employee's future job assignment, like Org Unit, Job Role and such, are now taken from the future assignment, since a new employee has no current values for these fields
Core HR - Issue fix - When new Additional Employee Filters are added by HR, the filtering is successful
Time&Attendance - Issue fix - Employee absence allowance is generated correctly for cases where Employment Date falls after the Allowance Start Date
Other - Improvement - A job role picker was implemented and is now used across the system


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.52

Core HR - Modification - A new field Inactive was added to approval process settings list with possible values yes/no, set to no by default. Now when you click delete on Approval Process Settings page, the system will set Inactive to yes and treat it as if this approval process setting does not exist
Core HR - Issue fix - The system displays the Org Unit chart correctly for cases when the request is formed for levels down
Time&Attendance - Modification - Manual absence adjustment cannot be used if an employee has no absence allowance
Time&Attendance - Issue fix - Absence allowance registered in hours is displayed correctly in Out of Office Calendar
Recruiting - Issue fix - If there is no approval process set up for vacancies, then after a vacancy is copied it is approved automatically
Performance - Issue fix - Security validation for moving a performance review to the next step from Performance Review Report page is working
Performance - Improvement - Methods to migrate Employee Competence and Employee Competence History to SQL and vice versa were added
Performance - Modification - The logic for displaying charts on Performance Round Details page is the same as for displaying orgunits on OrgStructure Dashboard
Performance - Issue fix - HR can successfully complete employees' performance reviews
Learning - Issue fix - The time in Outlook cancellation of appointment notifications is now correct


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.51

Core HR - New functionality - HR/Local HR user can run an approval process to apply actual salary change. This can be done by creating a content approval process with Employees and Employee Salary Details as target lists
Core HR - Issue fix - When using Change Manager functionality, manager is changed simultaneously on Employee Card and in the employee's assignment for main position
Core HR - Issue fix - Newly created fields that have to be inserted in employee documents are now copied successfully
Time&Attendance - Issue fix - The Out of Office calendar now does not display employees as absent on their return to work day if other absence was booked by another employee for the same day
Recruiting - Layout fix - Vacancy approval forms are displayed in the same way as approval process forms
Recruiting - Issue fix - Possibility of XSS attack through Title, Code, and Description fields on vacancy create/edit form is blocked
Recruiting - Modification - New forms for creating and editing vacancies were created. The sets of mandatory and non-mandatory fields were changed, the fields are now grouped to make the forms more user-friendly, and if there is no approval process for vacancies in the system, the corresponding field is hidden and the vacancy is approved by default
Performance - Issue fix - Notifications are sent correctly to HR if the HR step is the first in a performance review workflow
Performance - Issue fix - System now checks if a performance review exists and does not duplicate reviews if Probation Review Job is run more than once on the same day.
Performance - Issue fix - In case there are over 10000 probation reviews, the system handles Performance Review Rounds, Performance Review Round Details and Performance Reviews Report without crashing
Applicant Self-Service - Feature - When a candidate fills in an application form, they select a number of past jobs they had from a drop-down list with options 1,2,3 or >3. The system then opens the number of mandatory fields necessary to enter their latest jobs, employment dates, company, etc. The number of such records is limited by 3.


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.50

Core HR - Issue fix - While generating a job contract, Org Unit and Manager fields are populated correctly
Core HR - Issue fix - Possibility of XSS attack through Title field on the HR Process Template Step form is blocked
Core HR - Issue fix - Org Unit Chart reverses correctly to full view after being filtered by location
Core HR - Issue fix - Display form for Employee Documents closes successfully after the document is opened in a new tab
Performance - Issue fix - Performance Review printed form layout adapts successfully to any paper size
Performance - Issue fix - Implemented functionality to enable LocalHR to add ad hoc review
Learning - Issue fix - Development Plan page is refreshed after a learning material form Learning Catalog is added
Learning - Issue fix - Possibility of XSS attack through Title and Room fields on Schedule Training form is blocked


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.49

Core HR - Issue fix - Approval/Comments history for employees' absence approval requests is accessible only to HR, request initiator or people responsible
Time & Attendance - New functionality - A new setting called Absence Allowance Accrual Type was added to select whether to accrue absence allowance by calendar days or by the number of working days in the year, i.e. all days except work pattern days with 0 hours and company holidays. This setting is applicable both to standard and dynamic absence mode. If absence allowance accrual is done by working days and an employee has an approved unpaid leave, the base for allowance accrual is diminished by the number of unpaid leave days
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Automatic timesheet mapping for cases where an employee has a half-day AM company holiday and a half-day PM approved absence is working correctly
Performance - Optimization - Performance Round Details page has been optimized to work with large datasets


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.48

Core HR - Issue fix - Top Level Job Role property of an Approval Workflow Step is stored correctly
Core HR - Issue fix - The approval workflow stops at the level of the job role determined by the Top Level Job Role field when Department Managers is selected as Approver
Core HR - Issue fix - Possibility of XSS attack through Title field on the HR Process Start form is blocked
Core HR - Issue fix - Local HR has access to Job Contracts of employees within his/her responsibility
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Absence Records Report default date range is set to current calendar month instead of current calendar year
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Business Trip Types can be made country-specific
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Additional filter values in the by-day view of Out of Office Calendar inherit the values from calendar view of the Out of Office Calendar
Performance - Issue fix - Review Data Fields sequence set within Performance Review Form Template Designer for a specific template is preserved on Performance Review Form
Performance - Issue fix - {ReviewRoundName} variable in the Performance Review Letter Template is correctly replaced with variable value
Performance - Issue fix - Active Reviews counter displays the correct number of reviews for Local HR
Other - Modification - HR Logging Service changed


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Release Notes