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Release Notes

Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.50

Core HR - Issue fix - While generating a job contract, Org Unit and Manager fields are populated correctly
Core HR - Issue fix - Possibility of XSS attack through Title field on the HR Process Template Step form is blocked
Core HR - Issue fix - Org Unit Chart reverses correctly to full view after being filtered by location
Core HR - Issue fix - Display form for Employee Documents closes successfully after the document is opened in a new tab
Performance - Issue fix - Performance Review printed form layout adapts successfully to any paper size
Performance - Issue fix - Implemented functionality to enable LocalHR to add ad hoc review
Learning - Issue fix - Development Plan page is refreshed after a learning material form Learning Catalog is added
Learning - Issue fix - Possibility of XSS attack through Title and Room fields on Schedule Training form is blocked


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.49

Core HR - Issue fix - Approval/Comments history for employees' absence approval requests is accessible only to HR, request initiator or people responsible
Time & Attendance - New functionality - A new setting called Absence Allowance Accrual Type was added to select whether to accrue absence allowance by calendar days or by the number of working days in the year, i.e. all days except work pattern days with 0 hours and company holidays. This setting is applicable both to standard and dynamic absence mode. If absence allowance accrual is done by working days and an employee has an approved unpaid leave, the base for allowance accrual is diminished by the number of unpaid leave days
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Automatic timesheet mapping for cases where an employee has a half-day AM company holiday and a half-day PM approved absence is working correctly
Performance - Optimization - Performance Round Details page has been optimized to work with large datasets


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.48

Core HR - Issue fix - Top Level Job Role property of an Approval Workflow Step is stored correctly
Core HR - Issue fix - The approval workflow stops at the level of the job role determined by the Top Level Job Role field when Department Managers is selected as Approver
Core HR - Issue fix - Possibility of XSS attack through Title field on the HR Process Start form is blocked
Core HR - Issue fix - Local HR has access to Job Contracts of employees within his/her responsibility
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Absence Records Report default date range is set to current calendar month instead of current calendar year
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Business Trip Types can be made country-specific
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Additional filter values in the by-day view of Out of Office Calendar inherit the values from calendar view of the Out of Office Calendar
Performance - Issue fix - Review Data Fields sequence set within Performance Review Form Template Designer for a specific template is preserved on Performance Review Form
Performance - Issue fix - {ReviewRoundName} variable in the Performance Review Letter Template is correctly replaced with variable value
Performance - Issue fix - Active Reviews counter displays the correct number of reviews for Local HR
Other - Modification - HR Logging Service changed


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.47

Core HR - Modification - In cases where HR Process Action is of type Notification employees from both the Responsible Role and Notification Recipients fields will receive notifications
Core HR - Issue fix - Settings and Configuration are accessible from Safari
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Employee Picker behavior corrected so that managers can register absences for their employees
Performance - Issue fix - Competency validity data is updated if SQL storage mode is turned on for competencies
Performance - Issue fix - Mandatory performance review sections with apostrophes in title are validated correctly
Learning - Issue fix - Participate button opens Training Status Checker instead of simply adding a development activity for learning materials where an event is required


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.46

Core HR - Modification - ES HR Admin and ES HR roles have different permissions for Data Import Library
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Permission validation for editing absence records added for dynamic absences
Learning - Issue fix - There is an ability to manually enter scores for learning materials with Percentage scoring type that are not quizzes
Other - Issue fix - <script> blocks in data entered into custom form fields will be deleted to prevent XSS attacks


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.44

Core HR - Issue fix - Inactive org units are not displayed on Salary Review Dashboard
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Absence Plans job updates employee's seniority in Holiday Statistic based on Employee's Employment Date
Learning - Issue fix - Training time in MS Outlook notifications for training events is set in accordance with the users' time  zones


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.42

Time & Attendance - New functionality - New setting Do Not Accrue Allowance During Unpaid Leave was created. If it is set to "yes", the system does not accrue absence allowances for the periods when employees take an unpaid leave


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.38

Time & Attendance - Improvement - If the same approver is in the list of responsible persons for several steps of type Approval in a row  and approval type on those steps is Any Approver then such steps will be automatically approved on behalf of current approver


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.36

Core HR - Issue fix - Employee can download documents from My Documents page
Core HR - Issue fix - Data in pickers is sorted in alphabetic order
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Absence Dashboard does not display negative values on Annual Dynamics chart
Learning - Improvement - Interface was added for working with Pass-Fail scoring type
Learning - Issue fix - Events in Training Schedule calendar are sorted by the date of event


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.35

Core HR - Improvement - A loader image (turning wheel) is displayed when a user clicks Save on employee new and edit form
Core HR - Issue fix - When an HR Helpdesk request is created, both the request itself and the comments to it display timestamps in accordance with Time Zone chosen from Regional Settings
Learning - Issue fix - Training events are sorted by start date in ascending order on Training Checker page
Report Builder - Issue fix - Custom reports can be built using and filtered by the Is Terminated attribute


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.34

Core HR - Modification - Current Responsibles' names on Approval Requests page are separated by semicolons instead of commas
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Accrual period Daily only appears once in the drop-down field on the absence plan section edit form
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Extra Days renamed into Extra Time Off across the system
Learning - Issue fix - Quizzes published from Quiz Builder are populated into the Quiz field of a new learning material


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.32

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed the layout for TypeIn answer type in Quiz Player
Report Builder - Issue fix - No duplicate records are generated in reports


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.30

Core HR - Issue fix - Top Bar Links containing the “’” symbol open in a popup instead of a new window
Core HR - Modification - Employee status in Terminations list is automatically set to an empty value after the system has processed the termination
Time & Attendance - Issue fix -Notification workflow for Acting Person approval requests created using the Manager role starts as expected


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.29

Core HR - Issue fix - Starter’s name is displayed in the Started For column in the list of HR processes
Core HR - Issue fix - ES2013 - Resource Processing Job works correctly with extended web applications
Core HR - Issue fix - Employment History records can be deleted
Core HR - Issue fix - There is no discrepancy in figures displayed on HR Dashboard page and Structure Dashboard page that was due to different employee filter settings
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Absence accrual units (days or hours) were added to the accrued, booked and leave balance figures on My Absences page for both standard and dynamic absence mode
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - My Absences page was changed to correctly display absence accrual units (days or hours)
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Public Holidays filter was added to the Absence Records page to regulate which public holidays to display
Learning - Improvement - Changed the internal mechanism for bulk change of attendees’ status. Now the system will display processing information and will display information on successful/failed status change
Report Builder - Issue fix - Dates are displayed correctly in range filter fields on reports
Other - Modification - Keys collection for Employment History is now employee, start date, org unit and job role/position depending on job assignment mode settings


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.28

Core HR - Issue fix - Local HR record is deleted from LocalHR group and Employee Card immediately, if Sync Local HR Employees is set to Immediately
Core HR - Issue fix - The Assign To action on HR HelpDesk is only available to the employee if the Responsible field is empty or responsible is current employee
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Extra Time Off/Carried Overs are added to total allowance for custom absence types that have allowance value = 0 in the absence plan
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Upcoming Absences filter on the Absences Dashboard works for all absence types
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Employees are unable to register overlapping half-day absences
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The Show Company Holidays In All Countries filter was removed from the employees’ My Absences page
Recruiting - Issue fix - If a candidate is created from a particular Vacancy Details page, the Vacancy field is populated automatically
Learning - New functionality - A new setting for learning materials’ prerequisite courses called Learning Pre-requisites Mode was created. The Recommended mode (default) will work like in previous versions and will not prevent a user from running a course regardless of whether prerequisites have been completed or not. The Required mode will prevent a user from running a learning material if one or more courses from prerequisites have not been completed


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.25

Learning - Improvement - New fields Cost, Currency and External Category were added to the Training Request list. These fields are visible only when the user clicks the Add Request for External Training button on Training Requests page. Once the request is approved, these fields are copied to the corresponding development activity and this information will be available in the External Trainings report. If the request is created for a material in Learning Catalog or a training event, these fields are hidden


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.24

Core HR - Improvement - Added validation for Approval Request Titles to avoid mix-ups between Approval lists; improved performance for working with approval requests
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Notes field is mandatory on all absence registration forms, if the HR makes it so
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Added a column to the Timesheet Report displaying time in hours and minutes next to the column with decimal values
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed the issue with incorrect layout for error message displayed when the user tries to register overlapping absences
Recruiting - Issue fix - Added date validation on the interview scheduling form so that an interview cannot have End Date that is earlier than Start Date
Performance - Issue fix - After the template is changed to Rich Text/Enhanced Rich Text, performance review round name and number fields are correctly inserted into the email notification text body


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.23

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Duplicate records do not appear in search results within a custom employee picker on the Absence form
Performance - Improvement - Improved Performance Review Form print page layout
Learning - Issue fix - Internal trainer availability is calculated correctly taking into account time zones
Learning - Improvement - Changed file name generation rules for manually uploaded certificates. If a file with the same name already exists, the system will append the item ID to the file name without changing the certificate title. If there is no title for a certificate, the file name will be used as the title


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.22

Core HR - Improvement - Employee search in the menu bar now shows job position instead of job role in the result suggestion box if Job Assignment Mode is set to Job Position
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Approval History is updated with new comments after Request Change action
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Details of absence accrual by special rules are displayed on the employee’s absences page
Recruiting - Issue fix - Manager role has access to Candidate Assessment New and Edit forms and bulk interview scheduling page
Performance - Issue fix - Data in Rich Text boxes is processed correctly in Firefox and Edge browsers


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.20

Core HR - Issue fix - Diagnostics information shows data taking broken lookups into account to include employees with no organizational units
Recruiting - Issue fix - The date on bulk interview scheduling page is displayed in format corresponding to the locale selected in site settings


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.18

Core HR - Issue fix - Employment Date is displayed correctly on the HR process form for a custom list
Learning - Issue fix - Answers to quiz questions that were not filled during the initial attempt to save the question are saved


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.17

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Delete functionality works for Business Trip absence type
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Employees have no access to approving/rejecting other employees’ absences via Out of Office Calendar
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Expired carried over absence allowance is rounded correctly during calculation
Recruiting - Issue fix - SharePoint workflows start correctly when a candidate applies for a vacancy via Applicant Self-Service
Learning - Issue fix - HRs, training managers, local training managers and internal trainers see all training events without filtering by job roles
Learning - Issue fix - Local Training Managers see learning materials they are responsible for


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.15

Core HR - Issue fix - Trying to assign an employee to be their own manager with the check for loops in assignments turned on does not result in system displaying data as if the change has actually taken place
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Employee’s absence records report is exported to PDF correctly when the Employee Absence Summary page is opened in popup window
Performance - Issue fix - Performance Reviews by Step pie chart in HR Performance Dashboard is rendered for filtered data
Performance - Issue fix - Review Data section is displayed correctly
Performance - Issue fix - Data entered into Review Data section is saved


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.14

Core HR - Issue fix - The system hides service fields (Approval Status, Current Approvers, etc.) from all non-HR employees when an approval process is created for a custom list
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed the issue with generating duplicate Extra Days records for an extra days generation rule with Anniversary set to 0, Calculation Type set to Seniority and Occurrence set to Once
Performance - Issue fix - Time-and-date fields can be used in Performance Review Data sections
Performance - Issue fix - Time-and-date fields have the same value on Performance Review Round page and Performance Review Data list
Learning - Issue fix - The Completion Date field is hidden for canceled development activities


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.12

Core HR - Issue fix - Org Unit picker works correctly on custom pages
Recruiting - Improvement - Candidate Tracking page performance improved by creating links to candidate documents instead of reading them during the initial page loading


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Release Notes