Custom Styles

Release Notes

Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.05

Core HR - Issue fix - Lanteria Picker fields work correctly in datasheet view
Recruiting - Issue fix - Candidate's documents are copied to Employee Documents when creating an employee from a candidate
Performance - Issue fix - Completed Performance Review Form displays comments left by responsible persons
Performance - Issue fix - Section Score Weights in performance review forms are stored correctly
Performance - Issue fix - Total score is calculated correctly for weighted competency groups
Performance - Issue fix - Performance Review Form Designer allows entering dot-separated decimal values into section weight fields
Learning - Issue fix - Group Assignment functionality uses correct access restrictions for Org Units picker in All Departments and Role Based display modes


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.03

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Employee's notes on Vacation request are displayed to the employee's manager and HR on approval request pages
Performance - Improvement - Performance Review Form print preview page has a title and the system closes it automatically after the form is printed
Performance - Issue fix - Ribbon is not displayed and the tooltip boxes are hidden automatically on Performance Review form
Performance - Issue fix - HR maintains the ability to navigate between performance review sections after the performance review is stopped


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.02

Recruiting - Issue fix - Added the Vacancy column to the Candidate picker on Interview form
Other - Issue fix - Styles for active tabs in Settings and Configuration are applied correctly when the tabs are clicked


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.01

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed approval workflow for absences approval after they have been rejected/changed

Recruiting - Issue fix - Recruiting manager can only see candidates they are in charge of while scheduling an interview

Recruiting - Issue fix - Candidate letters are generated successfully in plain and rich text

Learning - Issue fix - In Learning Catalog sorting order of learning materials that have numbers at the beginning of titles is now by numbers in the title instead of alphabetic


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Release Notes