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Top 10 Ideas to Improve the Recruiting Process in Your Company

Top 10 Ideas to Improve the Recruiting Process in Your Company
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Every company needs to hire, train, and retain the best workers, and each year there are many new professionals entering the field. On the path to a successful career, they have to gain valuable experience first, and, for companies, the hiring process becomes a never-ending circle of onboarding.

But how can you hire effective employees? How can you ensure you’re not missing a talented one? It doesn’t matter how large a company is; its personnel department has the most difficult job. Nowadays, it’s possible to automate the recruiting process and not to worry about that perspective specialist forgotten in a pile of resumes. Read on to learn about working strategies that will help you improve your recruiting process. 

What Is the Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is the very lifeblood of any company. Like any living organism, a company needs a constant flow of experienced employees to fill in the various roles that pop up. Great employees create a cohesive workforce that goes on evolving and getting better over the years. Without a feeder system, no organization can survive. It is bound to dry up and die.


A lot of planning and thought goes into developing a workable recruitment process. It starts with identifying what roles need to be filled, analyzing the requirements for said spot, combing through applicants, and moves on to screening and selecting the right one from the bunch.


However, that is simply a barebones structure. Over time, your approach will change. You will need to figure out how to improve your recruitment process as times change around you. In this article, we will show you how to do that.

What Goes Into a Perfect Recruitment Process?

It is a widely known fact that most of the candidates who get hired are disappointed by their jobs. There is a gap between what the hiring manager tells them about the work environment and their responsibilities and what they end up experiencing. If you are looking for an answer on how to improve the hiring process, then this is where you need to focus: honesty and transparency.

Chasing after perfection is a fool’s errand, but putting in effort to improve your recruitment process will always yield results. Aim to be truthful and maintain communication at every stage of the process. That will get you as close as you can get to perfection.

Ways of Improvement

1. Use a simple program that can help keep your hiring process organized. There are specialized companies that organize recruitment calendars to track just how many interviews you have on any given day, keep resumes in a centralized place, and schedule meetings. When you use a recruitment solution program, such as Lanteria HR, you will gain access to a vast number of tools, including an inbuilt organization system.

2. Try to avoid recruiting for different jobs at the same time. This will help you avoid mixing targets and concentrate on the exact qualities you need at the moment. If it is necessary to hire several positions at the same time, try to leverage different recruiters.

3. Make diagrams and lists where you can organize every job posting with its necessary characteristics. By keeping track of exactly what qualities are necessary to fulfill a specific job description, you now have an easy and objective way to accept or deny an applicant’s request.

4. Use all available job-seeking resources in their best form. Ask recruiting sites to send you a summary every day with any new vacancies and available candidates to avoid missing any potential candidates. Furthermore, utilize social media – this can be an excellent way to add passive candidates to your talent pool. Some ways to catch a potential applicant’s eye across various social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) include: 

  • Focus on the employer brand. Tell your followers what sort of values the company adheres to, and why working for this organization is unique. What can your brand bring to the table?
  • Use hashtags to get your account and your posts noticed. 
  • Keep the social media post simple and jargon-free. 

79% of job seekers use social media channels during their job search. This figure reaches as high as 86% for the younger generation – so don’t fall behind the curve. 

5. Use an automated test system. Offer consistent tests to all new job seekers so they can show their abilities. From hostesses to engineers, tests are appropriate for all professions.

6. Be savvy in your hiring practices by using as many electronic-system benefits as possible. Let candidates highlight their skills by writing a short essay and ask them to send via e-mail – keep as much paper out of the interview process to avoid confusion.

7. Don’t be afraid of hiring young, inexperienced specialists alongside more experienced professionals. Varying your company’s talent can become your strongest benefit with different points of view and creative ideas. What’s more, young employees are typically more susceptible to training, since they are starting with a blank slate. An older, more experienced employee could have a harder time adjusting to your system.

8. Copy successful companies’ ways of recruiting management. Learning from others can lead you to success. Some innovative methods used by the most successful companies include: 

  • Using AI-driven writing tools to make job postings inclusive across the candidate population (thus, not excluding the older population, women, or ethnic minorities). 
  • Using pre-employment video assessments (this technology gathers data on verbal response patterns, eye motions, and body language, then predicting the candidate’s personality type and the probability of success)
  • Taking advantage of the gig economy for short-notice, high-priority projects (perhaps you can even hire on freelancers when a relevant full-time position is available)

9. Do not forget about television and radio advertising. Of course, web-based job boards and social media posts serve as primary sources of information, but TV and radio are still valuable recruitment platforms. What’s more, don’t underestimate the value of word-of-mouth recruiting. Set up an employee referral program! Some benefits of pursuing employee referrals include:  

  • Certain screening tests can be eliminated, thus allowing HR managers to speed up the hiring process.
  • Recruitment costs are cut, especially if the program offers non-monetary rewards to employees who successfully refer applicants.
  • You are fostering an engaged workforce atmosphere. Current employees feel valued since they are directly contributing to the company’s growth. Referred hires feel engaged from the very beginning since they personally know an employee – thus, they are able to assimilate into the company culture more easily. 

10. Hire or outsource a person who will sort out and communicate with unwanted and unsuitable candidates. It will significantly reduce your percentage of wasted time.

Ultimately, do not avoid systematizing data, even if you are sure that you will remember everything! We all are human, and our memories are not as reliable as electronic ones.

Signs of Wisdom

A good leader never:

  • hires people because of their agreement to a lower salary, but not skills;
  • spends time on unnecessary things;
  • follows subjective opinions (for example, hiring somebody’s relative – it’s the worst);
  • neglects new technologies and possibilities.

On the other hand, a good leader always:

  • finds the best way to optimize resources;
  • stays open to progress;
  • cares about the company’s benefits, not just his or her own;
  • realizes the company’s needs to move on to new horizons.

If you are ready to begin optimizing your company’s recruitment process, consider using an applicant tracking system – such as Lanteria HR. This software has inbuilt tracking features, enabling you to automate the management and storage of applicant data. Such software frees up your time and efforts so that you can focus on the bigger picture.


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