Top 10 HR Tips for 2025: Set the New Year Up for Success
As we usher in 2025, HR professionals are presented with a unique opportunity to redefine the workplace and set the tone for the year ahead.
Lanteria introduces the Power BI templates that can be used to improve the flexibility of the Lanteria HR dashboards. Templates are based on the Lanteria HR statistics and allow extending and customizing visualizations.
The templates are available for the following dashboard sections:
Note: For a full list of templates, click here.
The Lanteria HR timer job exports data to the SQL database in the format that can be used for Power BI. This database can then be connected to the Power BI template as a data source.
Do this for each template you will be using by following these steps:
1. Open a Lanteria HR template (the *.pbix file).
2. Next, click Edit Queries > Data source settings.
3. In the Data source settings dialog, click Change Source.
4. Specify the name of the SQL server and database that stores the Lanteria HR data for Power BI (it starts with ESDB_). Click OK.
5. To finalize connecting the data source, click Apply Changes.
Power BI templates allow modifying existing datasets and building flexible visualizations by adding the data from different data sources.
For example, to view the Company Absence Statistics chart data by country, the LanteriaHR_Countries table is to be added to the template. To add a new table from the ESDB_* database, follow these steps:
1. In Power BI Desktop, click Get Data > SQL Server.
2. Specify the SQL Server and database, select the type Import and click OK.
3. Now the new data can be imported by selecting a table or view from the list and clicking Load.
4. After the table is loaded, use its data for building custom visualizations.
Note: Please note that for using the Power BI templates, preliminary setup is required for both Lanteria HR and Power BI. Follow this link for details.