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Release Notes

Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.4.4 - 01/11/2023

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Employee Chart not displaying the employees when filtering it with the Hide Employees set to No. The chart layout for the subordinate org units has been optimized.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying broken links in the HR process notifications.

Core HR - Improvement - For the Process Template Designer, a new action type Multiple Records is available. It is similar to Fill Form, but is not limited to a single record. If the HR process is assigned to a candidate, the link to a form will be available from Candidate Self-Service.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.4.3 - 12/08/2022

Learning - Improvement - Practicum documents will be available through the Practicum link on the Discussion Board.

Performance - Improvement - Fixed the typo issue in the performance review generation rules.

Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with incorrect sorting by date. 

Recruiting - Improvement - Usability of the Time to Hire report has been improved.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with validating the allowance overbooking in case the absence request begins in one absence allowance period and ends in another.  


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 21.1.17 - 11/11/2022

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying employees on the Position Chart before the employee start date.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.4.2 - 11/11/2022

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying the employee photos with special symbols in title in the Congratulations pane.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying employees on the Position Chart before the employee start date.

Other - Improvement - Some styles have been changed to better fit WSAG.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed the spelling issues.

Recruiting - Improvement - Thank you message added after the employee submits the Recommend a Friend form.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.4.1 - 10/25/2022

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which caused displaying the first working day as anniversary in the Congratulations section of the employee dashboard.

Data Export - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which caused duplicating employees in the country .csv file when exporting data.

Integrations - Improvement - In the Exchange Integration settings, the Exchange Authentication Mode can be set to Basic (login and password used before) or Modern (OAuth authentication: TenantId, ClientId, ClientSecret, UserEmail).
For details please refer to: Exchange Integration

Recruiting - Improvement - The applicant search performance has been optimized.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying the Insert Field button on the Candidate Email Templates page.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed the layout issue with the Employee Chart filter. 

Other - Issue fix - Fixed the security issue valid for the SharePoint Server.

Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the SpUtility.SendMail utility, which wasn't working when run under fake httpcontext.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.1.16 - 10/25/2022

Other - Issue fix - Fixed the security issue valid for the SharePoint Server.

Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the SpUtility.SendMail utility, which wasn't working when run under fake httpcontext.

Integration - Improvement - In the Exchange Integration settings, the Exchange Authentication Mode can be set to Basic (login and password used before) or Modern (OAuth authentication: TenantId, ClientId, ClientSecret, UserEmail).

Data Export - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which caused duplicating employees in the country .csv file when exporting data.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the user from creating the candidates.

Data Import - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with generating the data import results file in case the file name being generated exceeded 128 characters. 


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.11 - 10/07/2022

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying the announcement attachments.

Recruiting - Improvement - The candidate card can be now displayed in the alternative view additionally displaying:

                 a) Application History

                 b) Candidate Documents

                 c) Candidate Education

                 d) Candidate Work History 

Recruiting - Improvement - In Candidate Self-Service, the groups in the Skills section will be ordered alphabetically. Within the groups, the items will be ordered alphabetically by skill name.

Recruiting, Learning - Improvement - "Candidate Letters" have been renamed to "Candidate Emails". "Trainings" changed to "Training Courses".

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with viewing the Employee Chart on SharePoint 2019.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying links in the announcements.

Recruiting - the outdated fields in the Job Openings list have been removed.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.10 - 09/22/2022

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the user from creating the  candidates.

Performance - Improvement - The KPIs in the KPI Library are now sorted by name instead of ID.  

Recruiting - Improvement - The employees can recommend their friends for the company job openings. 
For details refer to: Candidate Referrals

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which caused closing the job opening published to SEEK after this job opening was copied.

Recruiting - Improvement - The Copy Job Opening option is now available from the Job Opening Details page.

Data Import - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with generating the data import results file in case the file name being generated exceeded 128 characters.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.9 - 09/13/2022

Other - Improvement - Layout of the pages related to the document processing has been improved.

Integrations - New Functionality - The employee documents can be sent for signing through Adobe Sign. The employees can see notification on the Employee Dashboard and sign from Employee Documents.
For details refer to: Signing Employee Documents


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.8 - 09/02/2022

Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the outdated naming of the Org Unit KPI.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with selecting the Use Time Period check box in the Time and Attendance settings.

Learning – Improvement - The Scheduling Assistant will display only information about the selected trainer if the trainer is selected.

Compensation - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with copying the recommended salary to the Recommended Annual Base Salary field of the salary review.

Other - Improvement - The JavaScript plug-ins and scripts were updated to the latest versions.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - If the Clock In mode is on and the employee is trying to send the hours for approval, a warning message will display prompting about the hour calculation in process.

Learning - Improvement - The first day of the week in the Scheduling Assistant will be displayed according to the user regional settings, if not specified, from web.regionalsettings.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.7 - 08/26/2022

Performance - Improvement - The layout and wording for the KPI related buttons and filters have been improved. The colors in the KPI library charts representing Failed and Warning statuses were changed to red and yellow, accordingly. 

Core HR - Improvement - Now after going from OnBoarding to the Process Actions page bread crumbs will show path to onboarding for easier navigation.

Recruiting - Improvement - The org unit managers can now schedule interviews for the job openings they have access for.

Recruiting - Improvement - The criteria for candidate information deletion as per the Auto Delete Candidates setting changed. Now the number of months after which the candidate information is deleted is counted from the candidate last modified date. The candidate records with employee or starter created from them will not be deleted.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.6 - 08/16/2022

Core HR - Improvement - When terminating an employee and selecting a termination reason, the options will be sorted alphabetically.

Other - Improvement - Lanteria chat bot will display the clickable help topic name instead of the link address.

Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with duplicating the selected skills on the Competency Search page.

Core HR - Improvement - When we create an employee from starter, the Employment Date field on the employee card will be prepopulated with the Start Date of the starter and the Manager field with the starter's Manager field.

Core HR - Improvement - When rehiring an employee, the user can specify a new Employment Date and Service Date.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.5 - 08/10/2022

Recruiting - Improvement - When using the Interview Schedule for letting the candidate select one of the available time slots for the interview, it is now possible to set up the MS Teams meeting generation.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the date format on the Interviewer Availability page, which was not based on the format defined in the Company Settings.

Performance - Improvement - Added instructions to be displayed when selecting assessors for the 360 review. 

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the org unit managers not being able to view the job openings for their org unit.

Learning - Improvement - When creating a learning material, the certificate names in the Certificate lookup are now sorted alphabetically. 

Performance - Improvement - The layout of the performance review preview form and the Employee filter on the Performance Review Rounds page has been improved.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - Descriptions for the fields used for setting up the automatic timesheet fill out have been added.

Performance - Issue fix - Fixed the formatting issues for the 360 Feedback Result Report.

Report Center - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which caused the custom report fields of the check box type (Yes/No) to be displayed as the True/False type.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.4 - 08/02/2022

Core HR - Improvement - The Headcount Turnover Report layout has been improved.

Integrations - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the users from using the Recording option for the Microsoft Teams meeting created through the Training Schedule page or the Interview Schedule page.

Performance - Improvement - The users can set up the job role KPIs to be automatically made inactive when changing the job role.

Integrations - Improvement - The cognitive assessments can be now enabled for the Predictive Index Integration.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.3 - 07/20/2022

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with incorrect display of the subcategories in the Learning Catalog.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - The company holidays can be automatically generated based on the current year's holiday for the number of years defined in the new Years for Company Holiday Generation setting.

Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the users from autocompleting the performance review if there were steps with the required summary rating.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 21.1.15 - 07/15/2022

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the employee photo upload. After uploading the relative path instead of the full path will be displayed.

Recruiting - Improvement - The Candidate Tracking page performance has been improved due to getting only the last note instead of the notes history. 

Other - Improvement - The data reading has been optimized to improve performance, especially the job performance.

Other - Improvement - The Lanteria HR jobs will have their own cache version for better performance.

Other - Improvement - Queries have been modified for improving performance when fetching big amounts of data.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix  - Fixed an issue which made it impossible for the employees with negative allowance and Allow overbooking set to No to book days off based on special rules.

Data Import - Improvement - The users can upload templates for the data import sections.

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the user from adding a course with a semicolon in title to the personal development plan.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.2

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the employee photo upload. After uploading the relative path instead of the full path will be displayed.

Recruiting - Improvement - The Candidate Tracking page performance has been improved due to getting only the last note instead of the notes history. 

Other - Improvement - The data reading has been optimized to improve performance, especially the job performance.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying the Description field after updating the job description approval request.

Other - Improvement - The Lanteria HR jobs will have their own cache version for better performance.

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with incorrect quiz time limit in case the user's time zone is different from the site time zone.

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the user from saving changes to the training schedule date and time.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Local HR permissions that prevented the Local HR users from changing their employees' job assignments. 


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.2 - 07/13/2022

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the employee photo upload. After uploading the relative path instead of the full path will be displayed.

Recruiting - Improvement - The Candidate Tracking page performance has been improved due to getting only the last note instead of the notes history. 

Other - Improvement - The data reading has been optimized to improve performance, especially the job performance.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying the Description field after updating the job description approval request.

Other - Improvement - The Lanteria HR jobs will have their own cache version for better performance.

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with incorrect quiz time limit in case the user's time zone is different from the site time zone.

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the user from saving changes to the training schedule date and time.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Local HR permissions that prevented the Local HR users from changing their employees' job assignments. 


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.3.1 - 07/07/2022

Data Import - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with uploading files for the data import.

Learning - Improvement - The internal trainers' availability and meeting room availability can now be checked from one calendar when scheduling a training event.

Core HR - Improvement - Now managers who are set as Additional managers for any employees can filter their team by additional subordinates only.

Core HR - Improvement - If an employee has additional managers, such employee will be displayed with an asterisk in the Employee Chart.

Core HR - Improvement - The vaccination documents can be set up as separate document types. Track the document expiration and missing vaccination documents.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with saving the candidate's competency assessment.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.2.8 - 06/30/2022

Other - Improvement - The layout of the Person or Group field has been improved.

Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying the tab title as Untitled for some pages.

Integrations - Improvement - Now it is possible to do the field mapping for the Azure AD integration.

Data Import - Improvement - The users can upload templates for the data import sections.

Learning - Improvement - Selection for the quiz questions of the Random category type will be more random.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.2.7 - 06/17/2022

Data Import - Improvement - Now it is possible to import data into the multiple choice fields. Values for such fields (if more than one are being imported) should be separated with semicolon.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which made it impossible for the employees with negative allowance and Allow overbooking set to No to book days off based on special rules.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the Edit button being unavailable for the HR users for their absence requests with start date in the past.

Learning - Improvement - Interviewer's availability and meeting room availability can be now checked in one calendar. 

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue due to which the job openings with the approval status Rejected were displayed as Open on the Job Openings page.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.2.6 - 06/10/2022

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented sending the training event appointment updates in case any of changing any of the following fields: Room, Start Date, End Date, Training, Schedule, Location.

Core HR - Improvement - Starter will not be deleted after creating an employee from such starter, but will have the Started check box set to Yes and will no longer be available from OnBoarding. Any starter processes will be transferred to the newly created employee. 

Other - Improvement - The solution performance has been improved by modifying the query methods.

Integrations - Improvement - Now it is possible to retrieve the masked security data when querying the ADP database (date of birth, SSN etc.).

Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which caused displaying incorrect time zone offsets, since the daylight period wasn't taken into account.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying incorrect time for the interview in Candidate Self-Service due to using the default time zone instead of the selected one. Now date and time will be shown correctly taking into consideration the selected timezone/location of the interview. Dates will be converted and shown in user browser timezone.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.2.5 - 06/03/2022


Integrations - New Feature - Lanteria HR is integrated with Adobe Sign. HR or Recruiting Manager can send the candidate documents to Adobe Acrobat Sign, which makes them available for candidates through Candidate Self-Service.  After clicking Sign, the candidates are redirected to the Adobe signing page.

Other - Improvement - The class of some buttons has been changed, since due to their design, such buttons seem disabled while being active.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the job openings from publishing to Intranet.

Integrations - Improvement - The naming of the Azure AD integration setting allowing to create new job assignments in case of job changes has been improved.

Performance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with displaying the date stamp and user name in the Description field of the Career Goals section of the performance review page. This information will be hidden if Append Changes to Existing Text is set to No.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.2.4 - 05/27/2022

Recruiting - Improvement - The Employment Type field on the Job Opening page is moved after the Job Role field and is made required.

Report Builder - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with the additional filter layout which occurred in custom reports created through the Report Builder.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed an issue due to which the changes to the Fill out automatically timesheet setting were not saved.

Recruiting, Learning - Improvement - If there is an event in the Outlook calendar with Show as set to Free, such event will be displayed with a label Free. This is true for Scheduling Assistant, Interviewers Availability and Trainer Availability pages.

Recruiting - Improvement - Various sorting options are now available for the My Goals page.

Integrations - Improvement - For the Azure AD integration, the users can now define whether a new assignment must be created in case of changes to the employee's job role, org unit or country.

Integrations - Improvement - Progress bar has been added for the ADP Integration Job.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 22.2.3 - 05/20/2022

Other - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which caused generating performance review forms and sending links to such forms to the terminated employees, provided that corresponding Probation Review settings had been in place.

Recruiting - Improvement - When searching for a candidate to assign it to some job opening, the skills that can be used in Candidate Search are now sorted alphabetically. 

Recruiting - Improvement - When creating a job opening, the users will be able to choose the Employment Type. Data from this field will be copied to the starter profile.

Performance - Issue fix - Fixed the layout issues that occurred after exporting the performance review form to .pdf.

Other - Issue fix - Fixed a number of layout issues which occurred after upgrading to the new UI.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Fixed a typo in the Time to Hire Report.

Integration - Improvement - The Azure AD Photo Integration job has been optimized. If the ImageNotFound and EnterpriseEntityNotFound errors occur when running the job, they will be united into one warning. In the event viewer, there will be a code of the error and a list of users to whose photos the errors occurred.

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue which made it impossible to open and edit the employee card after restoring the deleted card.

Integrations - Improvement - The Seek integration has been upgraded to the new Seek API.

Core HR - Improvement - Added an option to set up reminders for the past terminations. The "after" rules now take into account also the unprocessed termination records.


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Release Notes