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HR of One: Navigating the Challenges of Managing HR for the Whole Company

Join our webinar designed especially for solo HR professionals managing the entirety of HR for their organization, where we'll offer valuable insights, practical strategies, and a supportive community to help you excel in your unique role.

45 min

HR of One: Navigating the Challenges of Managing HR for the Whole Company

Join our webinar designed especially for solo HR professionals managing the entirety of HR for their organization, where we'll offer valuable insights, practical strategies, and a supportive community to help you excel in your unique role.

September 21, 2023 11:00 AM
45 min
Book Your Seat

What will you learn at the webinar?

  • Solo HR Pitfalls: The challenges you never saw coming, and how to tackle them head-on.
  • Juggling with Flair: Master the art of handling everything from recruitment to employee well-being.
  • Fostering a positive workplace culture single-handedly
  • Automate Like a Pro: Discover tech hacks that can be your virtual HR assistant.
  • DIY Employee Solutions: Unlock the secrets of self-service that can lighten your load.
  • Expert Wisdom: Rob Bogue spills the tea and answers your most pressing questions in a live Q&A.

Our Speakers

Robert Bogue
Organizational Development Consultant, SharePoint Shepherd, and Microsoft MVP
I want to make things easier for everyone. That means reading, researching, simplifying, and synthesizing. When it comes together, I hear that I’ve made things understandable for the first time. I’ve done a lot of things, from getting organizations to change to helping eliminate burnout and implementing a lot of technology. I’ve got author credit on 28 books, a patent, and 19 years as a Microsoft MVP, and I’m still learning. I read and write – a lot. My most recent books are "Extinguish Burnout: A Practical Guide to Prevention and Recovery" and "The Six Keys to Confident Change Management," and I’ve edited countless other books over the years. As a recovering technologist, I’ve written courses on gathering requirements and information management, but I also write courses on how to prevent and recover from burnout and confidently manage change.