Custom Styles

Release Notes

Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.159 - 07/18/2019

Recruiting - Issue fix - The job opening description can be defined as Enhanced Rich Text.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - In the dynamic mode, the Absence Schedule will be also displayed in Kendo or standard mode, depending on the Chart Mode setting.

Report Builder - Issue fix - The lists with broken permissions will not prevent creating reports in the Report Builder. An error will be displayed in the event viewer. The list with broken permissions will not be available when selecting lists for the custom report.

Recruiting - Issue fix - When publishing several job openings to Seek simultaneously, the job opening details are saved correctly.

Recruiting - Improvement - French translation for the Candidate Documents is implemented.

Core HR - Issue fix - The images are displayed correctly when exporting the Employee Chart to pdf.

Learning - Issue fix - Now a course cannot be assigned twice if it was added to the employee plan in the scope of curriculum, even if there are several events for the same course.

Learning - Issue fix - An employee can see the link to Discussion Board only if he or she attends the corresponding event.

Learning - Issue fix - The manager can access Discussion Board as attendee of  the corresponding event and doesn't have the administrator permissions.

Report Builder - Improvement - When creating a custom report, the Get All Records check box is now available. It enables displaying all the records from both parent and child lists even if the parent list value is empty. For example, if a report consists of the Emergency Contacts list (a parent list) and the Employees list (a child list that is shown as Employees by [Emergency Contacts.[Employee Name] after the Emergency Contacts list is selected), the report will show all the employees regardless of whether an employee has an emergency contact or not. 


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.158 - 07/11/2019

Learning - Improvement - The responses in the Discussion Board are aligned to the left side. The comments are published correctly and are visible to all the participants.

Performance - Issue fix - When printing check-in to PDF, the text is correctly split into pages.

Learning - Issue fix - Chart in the Classroom Activities and Trainers Report is now Kendo chart, which allows correct availability displaying for the multi-day training events. 

Performance - Improvement - For check-ins, the Recent Feedback section is available. It displays the personal employee feedback since last check-in.

Core HR - Improvement - If an employee has pending approval requests, he or she will receive a weekly reminder with a link to My Approval Requests page.

Learning - Improvement - Scheduling Assistant is also available for rooms in the Schedule Interview page.

Learning - Improvement - The Learning Material Categories filter is now available for the Training Schedule. 


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.157 - 07/03/2019

Performance - Improvement - The Summary Rating and Calculated Score are displayed as different columns in the Performance Review Rounds and Performance Reviews pages.

Core HR - Issue fix - The employee photos are displayed correctly even if they have brackets in their title.

Core HR - Issue fix - When selecting approver's job role for the approval workflow step, only active job roles are displayed. 

Recruiting - Issue fix - The interview appointments with location specified are sent to the participants with timing correctly adjusted to their timezone. 

Other - Improvement - After updating Lanteria HR to a new version, HR will be informed about this by email with a link to release notes.

Candidate Self-Service - Improvement - A new Useful Links section is available for Candidate Self-Service.

Recruiting - Improvement - Lanteria HR is integrated with the Seek job site. Job openings from Lanteria HR can be published to Seek.

Report Center - Improvement - The Reports section is moved to be displayed as the last item in the menu (relevant for customers with the old content).


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.156 - 06/27/2019

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The decimal values for the work pattern hours now can be set correctly based on the selected regional settings.

Recruiting - Issue fix - The managers can view candidates for the requested job openings.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - The absence request attachments are available from the absence record display form.

Performance - New functionality - One to one feedbacks feature implemented. The employee and manager can create topics (for example, employee tasks) for discussion, discuss them in comments and periodically check in their discussion with comments and the topic statuses. This feature facilitates and makes more effective communication on the employee performance. 

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - After the employee requests changes to the absence record, the approval workflow is started without issues.

Performance - Improvement - The Beginning of Review Rating label in the performance review form is changed to Previous Competency Assessment.

Core HR - Issue fix - Sorting by title on the Employee Documents page works correctly.

Recruiting - Improvement - Users with the Employee role are now able to edit the Personal Attributes/Skills and Form Fields sections of the interview form.

Recruiting - Issue fix - The page sorting works correctly irrespective of the regional settings.

Recruiting - Improvement - The Anonymize Data option is now available for candidates as well.

Core HR - Improvement - The process of adding and editing data on the employee card has been improved. It is now handled by a new system job named Process Employees, which is run hourly.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.155 - 06/14/2019

Performance - Improvement - Now on the Performance Reviews page, on the My Reviews tab, employees and managers can see Summary Rating only for reviews that have already been completed.

Learning - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby in the personal development plan a completion date would be added to a development activity based on the SCORM learning course when the learner closed the SCORM course that was still in progress.

Learning - Improvement - Now you can find a training scheduled for the future date that is up to two years later than the current year.

Integration - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue in the AD integration whereby the employee's manager would not be synchronized with the AD correctly in certain scenarios.

Recruiting - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby changing the status of a job candidate would also change the status of the neighboring candidate.

Learning - Improvement - Added a new feature: Discussion Board. This functionality enables training event participants to take part in a discussion board, which is a page visible to training event participants where the participants can discuss any topic, related to the event, in public or private discussions. After you have been added as a participant to a training event, the discussion board can be accessed using the Discussion Board button under the training event development activity in your development plan or using the corresponding action on the training event details page. The training manager, HR, local training manager (if assigned) or internal trainer (if assigned) can add announcements that are visible to all training event participants on the discussion board as well as add a course guide (any additional training-related information, such schedule, guide, links, etc.). From the discussion board, you can also open the training event details to manage attendees if necessary.

Recruiting - Improvement - Added a possibility to restrict access to an uploaded candidate document for the manager and/or recruiting manager.

Core HR - Improvement - From now on when deploying a new version of Lanteria HR, the system job schedule (job run time) is not overwritten with the default schedule in case it was manually changed in the SharePoint Central Administration.




Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.154 - 06/10/2019

Learning - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby the list of prerequisites would not be displayed properly when switching filters, and then checking prerequisites in the development plan.

Learning - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby checking prerequisites for a development activity, which is an e-learning SCORM package, would run the SCORM package instead of showing the list of prerequisites.

Learning - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby, in the SQL mode, when applying for training, an incorrect development activity ID would be sent in the link of an email appointment.

Core HR - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby a long HR Helpdesk reply would be shown on a single line instead of being broken down into several lines.

Core HR - Improvement - The Performance Scores Distribution chart view type on the Performance dashboard was changed to Pie to avoid layout issue in the scenario when there are 4 or more summary ratings to be shown on the chart.

Learning - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby a training manager couldn't download certificates for employees that are not subordinates.

Time and Attendance - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby, in the Dynamic Absences mode, booked extra time off would be shown in the out of office calendar.

Core HR - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby the Fill Form action, added to an HR process template, would not automatically fill in employee data (title, first name, and last name) when starting the HR process.

Recruiting - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby the Recruiting Manager would be able to access all vacancies and their candidates, including vacancies they are not assigned to.

Recruiting - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby it wouldn't be possible to batch schedule interviews.

Core HR - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby the Export to PDF button would not be available on the Positions Chart page with the Job Assignment Mode setting set to Job Position and the Multiple Job Assignments check box selected in the advanced Org Structure settings.

Time and Attendance - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby acting person requests that have already been approved by the manager would still be shown for the chosen acting person as approval requests that require that acting person's action.

Core HR - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby employee data would not be updated properly in various scenarios.

Core HR - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby the Assign Mandatory Trainings or Process Absence Plans jobs would not run.

Core HR - Issue Fix - Fixed an issue whereby making a future job assignment for an employee would also change the effective date in the salary details.

Learning - Improvement - The behavior of the quiz player has been changed: now when selecting an answer for a question in the quiz player and pressing Enter, the quiz player marks the question as answered and moves on to the next question instead of asking whether you want to complete the quiz.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.153 - 06/03/2018

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - When the user selects an employee as acting person for the absence request, the selected employee receives an approval request.

Core HR - Issue fix - Employees with no country defined will not cause  issues with displaying the Company Overview Dashboard.

Core HR - Issue fix - Viewing details of the approval request items is again available from the Approval Requests page.

Learning - Issue fix - When creating or editing a training event, the trainer receives an appointment with correct dates and timings even if his or her timezone is different from that of the location.

Learning - Issue fix - If the date or time of the training event is changed, the changes will be reflected both in calendar and roaster.

Learning - Issue fix - The training event appointment and updates are sent from organizer's email, so that attendees and trainers could send their responses to the organizer.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Only candidates related to job openings with the status Open will be displayed to HR and Local HR in the Candidate Tracking page.

Learning - Issue fix - After creating a training event, the dates and timings are not reset to the default values.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.152 - 05/21/2019

Core HR, Performance - Improvement - The Include Job Competencies Only option is also available for the probation performance reviews. 

Core HR, Performance - Issue fix - The org unit manager can work with the Review Data section during the probation performance review, provided that the Filled By check box is selected for Manager in the review template for the corresponding section type.

Core HR - Improvement - Labels for the Employee Feedback have been improved.

Recruiting - Improvement - The Recruiting texts for the French localization have been improved.

Competence - Issue fix - The Employee Benefits report displays data for the employees according to the applied filter.

Performance - Issue fix - The objectives with empty due date are included into the performance review only if the start date is within the review date range.

Learning - Improvement - When scheduling a classroom training, the inactive locations are not available for selection.

Learning - Improvement - The terminated employees won't be available for adding to the waiting list and attendees list of the classroom training. If any employees from the waiting list are terminated, they will be removed from the list. If any employees from the attendees list are terminates, they won't be removed automatically.

Learning - Improvement - The Learning Catalog search loads data after pressing Enter.

Core HR - Improvement - The approval workflow steps are not assigned to the terminated responsible persons. If the step is to be assigned to one approver (for example, employee's manager) and the approver is terminated, such steps will be skipped. 

Core HR - Improvement - The HR Helpdesk charts will be displayed in the Kendo mode.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - The Absence Schedule will be displayed in Kendo or standard mode, depending on the Chart Mode setting.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.151 - 05/14/2019

Recruiting - Improvement - The Recruiting module texts for the French localization have been improved.

Other - Improvement - Office 365 synchronization now works also for users who has more than 100 groups in Azure.

Core HR - Issue fix - Search for the Company, Location, JobRole and Country pickers works correctly.

Other - Improvement - The SQL Export Job will process the field types other than Boolean, Lookup, User, DateTime and Calculated as Text fields to avoid issues with exporting unknown field types.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - While using the Register Other Absence option, the employee name is updated correctly if changed.

Learning - Issue fix - The user cannot start and complete a quiz with non-completed required prerequisites.

Learning - Improvement - The Export option is now available for the Training Feedback report.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - The Time Breakdown Chart of the Timesheet report displays data for the correct number of hours.

Core HR - Improvement - The employee who provided personal feedback can delete the feedback.

Recruiting - Issue fix - The users can access the Candidate Tracking page according to their permissions even for the closed and cancelled job openings.

Core HR - Issue fix - When updating data by importing, if both Title and GlobalId fields are mapped, the employee data will be added or updated according to the following scenario:

  • If GlobalID is empty in the Excel record, we are looking for the employee by title + empty global ID value. If found, update, otherwise add
  • If GlobalID is not empty in the Excel record, we are looking for the employee by global ID only. If any, update, otherwise add

Time and Attendance - Improvement - A new Send calendar appointments setting is available under Settings and Configuration > Time and Attendance > Absences > Advanced to define whether the employees are to receive the calendar appointments for their absences.

Core HR, Learning, Recruiting - Improvement - The current day will be highlighted in the Out of Office Calendar, Interview Calendar and Training Schedule.

Learning - Improvement - For the SQL mode, the information on the development activity creation and last modification (date, time and user) will be displayed.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.150 - 04/26/2019

Core HR, Performance - New functionality - Employees can provide personal feedback for each other on the employee card or request for feedback. Managers can contribute comments on the provided feedback. Feedback can be made public, if necessary, which makes it available for everybody on the Personal Employee Feedback page.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.149 - 04/25/2019

Learning - Issue Fix - Now when HR moves an employee from the attendee list to the waiting list or from the waiting list to the attendee list for a classroom event with the Request Required check box selected, the notification emails or emails with requests for approval are no longer sent to any participants for such an activity.

Recruiting - Issue Fix - Interview appointment emails are now sent to candidates with correct encoding in all languages.

Learning - Improvement - Now all reports for all the roles, for which they were available in various menu sections throughout Lanteria HR modules, can only be accessed from the Report Center. In the Report Center, the fields for localization were removed from the Add/Edit forms.

Performance - Issue Fix - Now if a competency has already been assessed and someone deletes this competency, it is also deleted from the related pages (Employee Competency Report, 360 Feedback Result Report, and Performance Review Form), and these related page work properly.

Other - Issue Fix - Fixed the issue that caused the Permissions Editor to not grant configured permissions.

Learning - Improvement - When opening the list of training requests, a tip is displayed that prompts to click the View button to see data.

Learning - Improvement - Now after a training request has been approved or rejected, the corresponding information message is displayed.

Recruiting - Improvement - On the Candidate Tracking page (Recruiting > Candidates or when clicking the Candidates tab on the Job Opening Details page), the following UI changes were made:

  • The Files, Interviews, and Actions column labels are now hidden.
  • The Files link, which opens the candidate documents, is renamed to Documents.

Recruiting - Improvement - Now the interview form can be printed out if need be.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.148 - 04/18/2019

Recruiting - Issue fix - The users cannot access job openings they are not authorized to view.

Learning - Issue fix - Training requests are created correctly in SQL mode (the title and date are populated based on the training event data and the employee is picked up correctly).

Learning - Issue fix - After migrating development activities from SarePoint to SQL, the employees are not duplicated in the attendee list and waiting list.

Other - Issue fix - The employees cannot get data from lists they are not authorized to view using the CAML Query Builder.

Learning - Issue fix - The user can move an employee from the attendees list to waiting list without issues.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - The Time Breakdown chart in the Timesheet Report has been optimized for displaying big amounts of data.

Learning - Improvement - The users can set up Lanteria HR to create the training requests without opening and editing the Training Request form. A new setting has been added under Settings > Settings and Configuration > Learning > Classroom Trainings (Advanced).

Time and Attendance - Improvement - The Kendo style can be applied to the Absences dashboard when working in the dynamic absence mode.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.147 - 04/12/2019

Learning - Issue fix - Date and time specified when scheduling the event are displayed in the Training Schedule with location time zone label.

Learning - Improvement - The Approve/Reject button is not available for the approved training requests.

Learning  - Improvement - Inactive job roles are not available for selection when filtering by job role in the Learning Catalog.

Learning - Issue fix - The spelling mistake corrected in the form used for registering the approved pending requests.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - If employee's manager changed, the existing absence requests are reassigned to a new manager (also works for dynamic mode).

Core HR - Improvement - When changing job, the inactive job positions are not available for selection.

Learning - Issue fix - If an old SCORM course (created before the version 4.4.131) is added to a learning material, it will be assigned a SCORM course ID so that the users could launch it.

Learning - Issue fix - Employees receive the training event appointments with time recalculated for their timezone.

Other - Issue fix - The SQL Export job successfully processes lists with multilookups.

Core HR - Issue fix - The main assignments and additional assignments are correctly considered in the FTE calculation for the Company Overview dashboard.

Performance - Issue fix - When exporting the performance review data to PDF, the action buttons are removed.

Other - Issue fix - The user can work with a system job under System Settings > System Jobs after clicking a link in the Schedule column.

Other - Issue fix - The Employee picker works correctly even if there are employees with the blank Title field.


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.146 - 04/04/2019

Mobile - Issue fix - The users can edit absences in dynamic mode without issues.

Learning - Improvement - Launching a course that is a part of your development plan is now possible from the learning material details.

Recruiting - Issue fix - Job opening created by copying won't be displayed in the list of job openings with the status Open until the start date is defined and valid.

Learning - Issue fix - Missing mandatory learning materials can be added to the personal development plan.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - If the Hide sick leave details from managers check box is selected in the Time and Attendance settings, the Type, Sub Type and Payment Status fields in the Out of Office Calendar are hidden from both manager and employee roles.

Recruiting - Issue fix - The scheduled interview is not duplicated in the Interview Calendar.

Integration - Issue fix - The Predictive Index report is uploaded once even if Email and Personal Email for the employee are the same.

Performance - Improvement - The 360 Feedback forms are available for external reviewers. Custom reviewer groups can be set up in addition to the out of the box ones (Employees, Managers, Peers, Self-estimation).

Performance - Improvement - Performance of generating forms for the ad hoc performance review has been improved.

Learning - Issue fix - When updating the training event date and time, the participants get only invitation for the updated event.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - If employee's manager changed, the existing absence requests are reassigned to a new manager (currently works for regular mode only).


Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.145 - 03/26/2019

Learning - Issue fix - The training feedback form is sent to employee only after the corresponding development activity for him/her has been completed or after his/her status is set to Attended.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - Local HR and custom roles based on the Local HR role can upload and download documents for their employees.

Candidate Self-Service - Issue fix - The candidate status is changed based on the candidate answer if corresponding settings are defined.

Learning - Improvement - Time in the Training Schedule is displayed with the timezone.

Time and Attendance - Issue fix - Employees and managers can download the absence attachments without issues.

Learning - Issue fix - The Training Feedbacks report can be viewed by a specific learning material or trainer.

Core HR - Issue fix - The working group members selected during the group creation are saved correctly.

Other - Issue fix - Notification tasks are correctly created for the reminder rules even if several rules are set up for the same rule type.

Other - Issue fix - The SQL Data Export job processes fields of the Guid and Integer types.

Recruiting - Improvement - The Clean Data Job deletes not only candidates, but also all the related data (applicants, interviews, HR processes and so on).


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.04

Other - Improvement - Dashboards loading time and data processing optimized


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.08

Core HR - Improvement - A column that was not being filled was removed from My Approval Requests > Created By Me page
Core HR - Issue fix - A file name corresponding to the name of the chart being exported is offered during Organizational Chart and Department Structure Chart export to PDF
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Timesheet details page runs correctly after a company holiday is added to the current week
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Employees see Approval/Comments History for their absence requests
Performance - Issue fix - Performance Review scores are calculated correctly when using weighted section scores
Learning - Issue fix - Local Training Manager has correct permissions to perform actions, such as group assignments


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.11

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Employees holding custom roles can register absences for the employees who are within their scope of responsibility
Performance - Issue fix - Fields on the Review Form Template Section edit form change based on the section type


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.13

Core HR - Improvement - Changed default mapping of candidate’s personal e-mail to the Employee Card when an employee is being created from a candidate. Now the candidate’s personal e-mail is not copied to the employee card by default
Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed the issue with applying the date/time format defined in settings 


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.19

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - ES2013 - Timesheets Job does not generate duplicate records for mapped projects and activities
Performance - Improvement - Improved visualization on Competency History chart for cases where the required competency score is equal to the assessment score


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.21

Recruiting - Issue fix - Candidate and Vacancy fields that are filled in automatically were hidden on the Candidate Assessment Edit form


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.26

Core HR - New functionality - Approve for all functionality available only to HRs/Local HRs was added for cases when Approval Type is set to All Approvers for a particular approval workflow step
Core HR - Issue fix - Inactive employees who are also managers are not displayed on the Employee Chart if Include Inactive Employees checkbox is not checked
Time & Attendance - New functionality - New accrual method for daily accrual of absence allowance was added
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Fixed the issue with an error appearing after absence cancellation. Now the user is either redirected to My Absences page, if the cancellation form was opened in a window, or stays on the same page, if the cancellation form was opened in a popup
Performance - Issue fix - Users are able to batch complete reviews
Other - Improvement - The ID column is now displayed by default in Certificates list


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.31

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Timesheet Calendar is displayed correctly when moving between current week and the previous week where there was an absence or a company holiday
Report Builder - Issue fix - Filters work correctly in cases where the same field is selected for grouping and filtering


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.33

Core HR - Issue fix - Fields of type Picker can be used for Additional Employee Filters
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - Allowance is recalculated taking employee’s Work Pattern FTE into account upon termination
Performance - Issue fix - Data import successfully updates ES2013 Employee Picker for the Performance Review list


Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.37

Core HR - Issue fix - The system handles decimal values for generating Probation Review dates
Time & Attendance - Improvement - Performance improved for Absences Dashboard


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Release Notes